Chapter 20: NOOOOO!!!!??

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Addisons pov:
I woke up at 8:30 am and got ready today was a busy day I took a showers Did my morning skincare routine and wore this

Addisons pov:I woke up at 8:30 am and got ready today was a busy day I took a showers Did my morning skincare routine and wore this

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Outfit and shoes

Outfit and shoes

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After I got ready I went downstairs had a quick breakfast (omelette) and headed out I had a lot of meetings and I was gonna spend the day with my family so first I went to Starbucks I got a iced coffee with oat milk and then went to my meetings I had 3 meetings One from 11:30 to 12:30 another one from. 1:00 to 2:00 and from 2:00 to 2:30

~3 or more hours later~

After all my meetings it was 2:30 I went to my Parents house to have lunch with them after a 15 minute drive I arrived mum opened for me

Addison-hey mum
Mum-hi sweetie
*they hug*
Mum-come in
Addison-hi dad
Dad-hey darling ,how's ma everything
*addisons siblings run over to her
Addison-hi Enzo, hi Lucas
Enzo-we missed u
Addison-I missed u guys too
Lucas-are u gonna have lunch with us

Addisons pov:
We all sat at the dining table and we ate mum cooks the best meals after eating we sat in the living room and we decided to watch a movie mum made desserts for us and we all ate them while watching the lovely movie after it was done I made some Tiktoks and it was 4 pm as much as I wanted to stay I had to leave I told them I'd be back soon and I would visit them more often I got into my car and left it was 20 minute drive to the hype house I then arrived I opened the door and saw Thomas In my face

Addison-hey Thomas
Thomas-dont act innocent
Addison-what are u talking about
Thomas-oh so u really don't know
Addison-what happened
Addison-is that w problem
Addison-what's the matter if I hangout with them

I started to get really worried and I felt tears coming out of my eyes all people at the hype house were surrounding us even my best friends

Thomas-IM KICKING U OUTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!
Avani-no Thomas give her a second chance
Charli-she didn't do anything wrong
Dixie-then if she's leaving we are leaving
Thomas-no ur not
Avani-u can't stop us
Thomas-addison go pack ur stuff !!!!!!! The girls ur staying

Addisons pov:
I ran upstairs crying while packing my stuff and the girls were packing their stuff too I didn't want them to Leave I tried telling them but they wouldn't listen after I was done the girls and I went downstairs Thomas shouted at them telling them not to leave but after a while he lost hope and kicked us all out and he slammed that door In our faces i cried and cried

Dixie-Addison please don't cry
Charli-for us
Avani-addison we hate seeing u cry
Dixie-what are we gonna do
Avani-I'm gonna call Anthony and ask him if we can come over
Charli-great idea

After avani ended the call with him we got into my car and Dixie drove I couldn't stop crying my mascara was smudged all over my face after a while we arrived at the sway house we knocks on the door Anthony and Bryce opened the door for us when thru saw me crying they were shocked and I didn't even say hi all i did was hug Bryce immediately he hugged me back and told me everything was gonna be ok even though he didn't know what happened we got inside and we sat in the living room everyone surrounding us I sat beside Bryce and I was still hugging him not letting him go and also I was still crying everyone asked me why was I crying I didn't want to say anything so the girls explained everything

Avani-so Um.... I don't know how to say this
Charli-well Addison got um kicked out of the hype house
Everyone-gasps loudly
Dixie-and we didn't want to leave her so we left the hype house
Bryce-he's a fucking pussy
Mads-how dare he disrespect u guys
Nessa-he's a straight up bitch
Josh-u can guys stay here for now until we know what's gonna happen
Charli-thanks josh

Addisons pov:
After our talk some people got our bags from the trunk and others made food for me they didn't have to I was so tired Bryce took me upstairs to his bedroom he laid me on the bed and sat next to me I cuddled him and I felt safe he played with my hair and we cuddled after a while the boys showed us where we were going to sleep they put our bags in our rooms and I still stayed with Bryce we watched a bit of Money heist and I tried to not think of what happened but I always remembered it and I kept on crying thank god Bryce was there for me and never left me I then fell asleep in his room while cuddling him

I hope u guys liked it this is a long chapter I love u all ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


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