Chapter 7: The meeting

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Addisons pov:
We all went downstairs and I became more nervous then ever we all sat down in the living room and Thomas began to speak

Thomas-so u guys may know there is new stuff around the world happening and one of them is a new house u guys already know from the news it's the sway house and actually the sway house members and I are actually friends so since they have moved I wanted to congratulate them by inviting them to our house to spend the day with us

Tony-that's a great idea
Charli-ya we are gonna meet new people that's fun
Thomas-tutu will be here at 12 pm so we better wake up early and get ready quickly now let's order food cause I'm hungry
Chase-I'll order McDonald's

Addisons pov:
Omg thank goodness I wasn't getting kicked out in fact the sway house are coming tomorrow and I'm gonna see Mads and nessa as I've missed them so freaking much, wait that means .......... BRYCE is coming wow I'm actually gonna meet him I feel like it will be a nice day meeting people and I get to make new friends which is cool hopefully there won't be drama cause I'm not in

~time skip to 3:00~

Addisons pov:
Food has came and I was super happy I haven't eaten McDonald's in a while so I was happy I then went outside and watched the sunset by the pool it was so pretty


Addisonrae:☀️ 🌅 Liked by brycehall, charlidamilio and 4,345,788 more

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Addisonrae:☀️ 🌅
Liked by brycehall, charlidamilio and 4,345,788 more

Charlidamilio:ur so pretty❤️
↪️Addisonrae:no u are 💕

Addison_cutie88:I love u so much ❤️🌍
↪️Addisonrae:I love u more❤️❤️

Addison_is_wack:ugh disgusting ur ugly 🤢🤮

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~skip time to 8:30 pm~

Addisons pov:
After watching the sunset I went upstairs to watch Netflix and here we are back in present so I watched outer banks and I then decided to take a break and I went in my closet to change clothes and pick out an outfit for tomorrow I gotta look good cause people are coming I changed into this comfy outfit:

Addisons pov:After watching the sunset I went upstairs to watch Netflix and here we are back in present so I watched outer banks and I then decided to take a break and I went in my closet to change clothes and pick out an outfit for tomorrow I got...

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I went downstairs and found out avani and charli making dinner they made something so delicious ,they made:

I went downstairs and found out avani and charli making dinner they made something so delicious ,they made:

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After they finished we all gathered and ate the food that was so good avani and charli did a good job. After we finished eating we all decided to make tiktoks me and Dixie made one and then avani, Charli , Dixie and I made a cute tiktok together at that time it was 10:30 and I started to get kind of tired since I woke up at 6 am and I went for a walk. I told everybody goodnight and I went to my room I did my skincare night routine put on a face mask changed into my pjs

I watched some Netflix and I checked the time it was 11:15 so I went to bed since I had to wake up early cause the sway house were coming and they were coming early like 12 pm that's too early but whatever I set my alarm for 9 Am  and turned off t...

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I watched some Netflix and I checked the time it was 11:15 so I went to bed since I had to wake up early cause the sway house were coming and they were coming early like 12 pm that's too early but whatever I set my alarm for 9 Am and turned off the lamp: I went to sleep wondering what will happen tomorrow........

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