Chapter 43: surprise!!!

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Addisons pov:
I woke up at 8 am surprisingly I never wake up that early but that's ok I decided to workout so I put on my workout outfit

 Addisons pov:I woke up at 8 am surprisingly I never wake up that early but that's ok I decided to workout so I put on my workout outfit

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And made a smoothie

When I made my smoothie I went to workout, it felt good working out since i haven't been working out for a while and it just makes me not think about any drama or stress which is good

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When I made my smoothie I went to workout, it felt good working out since i haven't been working out for a while and it just makes me not think about any drama or stress which is good. After a good 30 minute workout I went back to my room to take a shower

And still that sleepy head Bryce was sleeping I left him sleeping while I took a nice refreshing shower and when I got out I changed into

And made some delicious breakfast for everyone I was debating on making pancakes or avocado and toast with eggs but then I made avocado toast with eggs

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And made some delicious breakfast for everyone I was debating on making pancakes or avocado and toast with eggs but then I made avocado toast with eggs

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And everyone stared waking up and we all ate breakfast together and everyone went their separate ways I made some tiktoks and chilled for a while, I then got a message again from an unknown number and I knew it was Elle

Unknown number

Did u miss me

Not at all

Ugh whatever, I have a surprise for u

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