Chapter 12: Outside all day

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addisons pov:
When we arrived at target Bryce got out and opened the car door for me he is so sweet I told him thank u and he said no problem we entered target and just kind of played around we made loads of tiktoks then dixie went Instagram live and we filmed us being silly and talking through the intercom hoping we won't get kicked out then while we were walking Bryce pulled me into an isle alone and he got really close to me holding me from my waist

Bryce-u gotta answer my question
Addison-what question
Bryce-dont act dumb
Addison-ok fine
Bryce-so u care about me
Addison-I don't know *laughs*
Bryce-Addison seriously
Addison-what I'm being serious
Bryce-I have to know
Addison-ur gonna have for figure it out
*addison walks away and Bryce followed her*

Addisons pov:
After Bryce and I's talk we went and to go looking for Dixie and griffin we found them in the home decor isle and they were looking at things to put in the sway house we then joined them

Dixie-where were U guys
Bryce-Um um
Addison-uh I went to go look for.... a a new phone case
Griffin-why are u guys acting weird
Bryce-pffff we aren't
Addison-uh Dixie can I speak to u for a second
Bryce-uh griffin I wanna tell u something cmon
Griffin-we'll meet u guys by the snacks section

Dixie and I went in a isle so I can tell her what happened I assume Bryce was telling griffin the same thing

Dixie-sooo what's up with u and Bryce
Addison-well we are just friends and it seems like we are just feeling each other
Dixie-aw cute but I have a question
Dixie-why were u guys acting weird when we asked u where were u, did u guys kiss-
Addison-woah woah woah not that far
Dixie-*laughs* then what
*addison telling Dixie about the phone call and the do u care about me and the isle talk*
Dixie-awwww so cute
Addison-I forgot something, u and griffin
Dixie-I really like Him and I think he likes me too
Addison-can u guys just date already
Dixie-*laughs* now lets go find the boys

Addisons pov:
We went to the snack isle and saw the boys there and we just got some snacks then we decided to go buy decor for the sway house and When we were done we went inside the mall and just checked out some stores and we got some Starbucks I got a pink drink Dixie got a purple drink griffin and Bryce got iced coffees. We were walking and then we stumbled across Sephora Dixie and I wanted to go in so we did but the boys stayed outside we wanted to Joke with them and make them wait outside a little longer after 15 minutes we Came our,we then got hungry so we went to a restaurant near the mall and it was T.G.I. Friday's we sat and then fans came up to us and they wanted to take pictures with us so we did

Fan-hi can I take a picture with u guys
Addison-of course
*takes pictures with them
Fan-thank u guys
Bryce-ur welcome
Griffin-we love u
*fan leaves and waiter comes*
Waiter-hi im Steve ur waiter what would u guys like to order

Addisons pov:
The waiter came and while we were ordering I noticed he was staring at me and eyeing me up I got uncomfortable and I looked at Bryce and I saw him staring at the waiter and getting frustrated that he was staring at me So I decided to say something

Addison-uh are u done staring
Waiter-I'm sorry
Addison-can u not stare
Waiter-I wasn't, gorgeous
Bryce-shut the Fuck up
Addison-bryce calm down
Waiter-yeah calm down
Bryce-if u don't leave Now I'm calling ur manager
Waiter-Ok I'm leaving relax
*waiter leaves*
Bryce-what an asshole
Addison-it's ok Bryce he is gone now
Griffin-I can't believe they let people like them work here
Dixie-that is so disrespectful

Addisons pov:
Another waiter came and took our orders after a few minutes our food came and we ate them, after we ate the food griffin and Bryce were do sweet that they both paid the sun was almost setting and we wanted to watch it so we went to the pier at Huntington Beach and watched the sunset while we standing on the boardwalk rail Bryce put his arm around me and I got closer to him when the sun set we went back to the sway house Bryce and griffin really wanted us to stay but we had to leave cause of Thomas we said goodbye and left we dove for 29 minutes and we arrived the hype house I got out my key and Dixie and I ran immediately Inside without Thomas noticing luckily he was in his room so we didn't see him which was good so he wouldn't yell at us

Hope u guys liked it I love u all so much and byeeeeee❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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