Chapter 8: Aww cute🥰

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Addisons pov:
What'a that Annoying noise,oh wait that's my alarm clock I got up and went downstairs to say good morning to everyone and I went back upstairs I took a shower and did my skin care mourning routine I went back down and made breakfast omelette and coffee I enjoyed my meal while scrolling through tiktok after I finished my lovely meal I went upstairs to Avanis room cause the girls were there and they wanted to talk to me

Avani-sooo what are u gonna wear
Addison-so that's what u wanted to talk about, I thought it was something serious
Charli-*laughs* no not at all
Dixie-now what are u gonna wear
Addison-something cute but I won't tell u guys it's a surprise
Avani-no pls
Addison-Never, guys I can't believe we are finally gonna see nessa and Mads
Dixie- I know it's been so long
Charli-I can't wait to see them
Avani-I've missed them so much
Addison-ok guys I'm gonna go get ready it's 10:20 now
Dixie-yeah same

Addisons pov:
I went back to my room and got dressed, did my makeup and hair

Addisons pov:I went back to my room and got dressed, did my makeup and hair

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Addisons pov:
I checked the time and it was 11:30 and they were almost coming. I sprayed on perfume and I headed downstairs I chilled for a while and got a snack (goldfish) and after 30 minutes that felt like an hour we heard them pulling Up I got so nervous but I was kind of excited I mean I get to see Bryce for the first time .Thomas opened for them and the first thing I saw was Mads and nessa they Ran up to me and the girls and we all hugged till we couldn't breathe

Mads and nessa-*squeel*
Addison-I've missed u guys so much
Avani-we haven't seen u in ages
Charli-I'm so happy we get to see u
Dixie-we gonna have so much fun
Mads-I missed u guys nessa and I have been talking about u all the time
Nessa-we've Been planing to see u and here we are with each other

Addisons pov:
After our conversation I had to go say hi to the others I said hi to josh and Jaden cause I Know them but not much then avani got Anthony so i can say hi to him and I met griffin quinton and then I saw this really cute guy brown Eyes and brown curly hair, wow I didn't expect him to look that good in real life as I was looking he looked at me and gave me that up and down look it made me blush I then went over to him and said hi

Addison-hii I'm Addison
Bryce-hey I'm bryce
Addison-nice to meet u Bryce
Bryce-nice to meet u too cutie

I blush and look down at the ground I then immediately was pulled away by my friends and I told bryce sorry They took me to dixies room and then we started talking

Mads-sooo Addison what do u think of Bryce
Addison-he's cool I guess
Addison-cute *laughs*
Avani-we heard ur whole conversation and it was so cute
Dixie-and when he said cutie
Addison-ok guys stop, avani how's u and Anthony
Avani-oh were just friends u know
Dixie-really ,we saw how u were looking at him
Mads-and how he was looking at u
Nessa-it was adorable
Charli-I literally ship
Addison-what we're all waiting for is Charli and Dixie
Charli-guys no I told u I stopped liking chase and I'm actually happy single
Dixie-and I don't have anyone single for life*laughs*
Nessa-I got someone for u Dixie
Mads and nessa-griffin!!
Dixie-he's fine I guess
Mads-no seriously go for him he's definitely ur style
Addison-guys as much as I want to continue our conversation we better go downstairs
Avani-ya ur right

Addisons pov:
We all went downstairs and everyone just sat in a group I found Bryce sitting alone so I went over to him

Addison-hey sorry I had to go
Bryce-no it's ok I understand girl stuff
We both laugh
Addison-anyways congratulations on the house and it's a pretty cool name
Addison-do u wanna maybe make a tiktok
Bryce-sure why not but I'm not a good dancer
Addison-that's ok I'm pretty sure ur good

Addisons pov:
I then start to teach him madi's dance (like that by Doja cat) after I he got the dance right we made it he was really funny and we laughed the whole time I could tell he was eyeing me up and checking me out I actually didn't mind it cause it wasn't that uncomfortable like want tony does after We were done I posted the tiktok and we actually chilled with the group For a while I got to know more about the boys and I noticed griffin is nice guy and he is dixies personality after we all talked people started going out in groups again and the groups were  nessa and charli, Dixie and griffin,avani and Anthony, josh quinton Thomas Tony ondreaz,(I'm too lazy to name so whatever ) and once again I was left with Bryce, we continued to talk and to get to know each other turns out we had somethings in common which was cool. After like probably 2 hours of talking we had to eat lunch so I offered to get it and Bryce wanted to come with me so he did......................

Hope u guys liked it I love u sooo much ❤️❤️❤️ byeeeeeeeeee

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