Chapter 27: what a good day!!!

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Addisons pov:
I woke up at 9 am and took a shower I did my facial and went downstairs to make breakfast I made simple pancakes and I made a huge batch for everyone I told all of them goodmorning and we all ate breakfast I went back upstairs and got ready

Addisons pov:I woke up at 9 am and took a shower I did my facial and went downstairs to make breakfast I made simple pancakes and I made a huge batch for everyone I told all of them goodmorning and we all ate breakfast I went back upstairs and got...

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Outfit ,makeup and hair

Outfit ,makeup and hair

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Addisons pov:
After I got ready today I went downstairs cause we were having a day out so I waited for all of them to get ready and I made a few tiktoks and after they were done they all came down

And I saw Bryce giving me that up and down look and biting his lip when he looks at me I blushed and the girls just kept saying "ooooh" when Bryce wasn't around
we left it was me Mads nessa charli dixie and avani in my car and the boys split into 2 cars

we first went to Starbucks and got coffees and drinks, i got a pink drink and we then went to target once we arrived ,we just kind of played around hoping not to get kicked out we made a few tiktoks i made a few with Bryce and I also made a few with nessa and everyone, we walked to the intercom and Bryce said something super funny so we ran quickly as
possible so we wouldn't get caught

And after our silliness we bought all the stuff we needed and left ,our next stop was the grove we were gonna spend the day there cause we are gonna go to the movies ,have lunch there and might do  so some shopping

after a 20 minute drive we arrived and I could already see some paparazzi's we parked our cars in the parking lot and the paparazzi's followed us in that parking, I got out and saw Bryce waiting for me he put his arm around me to make sure I'm safe and I liked it and I felt safe then they started asking is questions while walking to the grove

Paparazzi-yo what up guys, how y'all doing

Addison-we're good how about u

Paparazzi-I'm doing great thanks for asking,so y'all joining the sway house

Avani-we still don't know yet

Charli-we are just taking our time and thinking

Dixie-we need time to to think and process it

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