Chapter 11: The sweet phone call

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Addisons pov:
Chase opened the door for us and had a worried look on his face we entered and saw Thomas shouting "WHERE ARE THEY"he then looked at us when we entered and had this angry look on his face

Addison-jeez calm down
Avani-we were at the sway house is that a problem,and didn't chase tell u where we were
Thomas-he did
Dixie-then why are u so angry
Thomas-u can't go there anymore
Charli-why Not
Thomas-this is the hype house and U don't belong in the sway house, we ate better than them and we can't act that we are good friends with them
Addison-then why did u invite them
Thomas-so they don't think we don't like them
Avani-that doesn't make sense
Dixie-ur not the boss of us
Thomas-if I see u hanging out with them I will-
Addison-what will u do huh
Thomas-Addison shut the fuck up
Tony-yo Thomas,bro chill
Thomas-Tony stay out of it
Charli-we are gonna see them and we don't care
Dixie-u can't control us
Addison-we are gonna do what we want and u can't control us
Thomas-*girly voice* oh Addison u don't want anyone to touch ur brycey
Addison-no I'm not and ur not funny
Thomas-I Don't want to see ur fucking faces
Avani-neither do we

Addisons pov:
We all went upstairs feeling mad and annoyed I really hate Thomas he is a bitch I can't stand him at all I decided to take a shower to get everything out of my head, how could I be so silly and join the hype house with toxic people after I got out of the shower I got a plan that the girls and I go downstairs and start laughing so loud that Thomas would notice and he'd be so Annoyed that we aren't sad at what he did I told the girls about the plan and they agreed we went downstairs making a lot of noise then when we reached to the kitchen where Thomas was we laughed so loud that I'm pretty sure the whole neighborhood heard us he looked at us feeling annoyed and we took snacks and went back upstairs I changed into my pjs

Addisons pov:We all went upstairs feeling mad and annoyed I really hate Thomas he is a bitch I can't stand him at all I decided to take a shower to get everything out of my head, how could I be so silly and join the hype house with toxic people af...

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And then I watched outer banks in bed and at 10 pm I fell asleep

~the next day~

I woke up at 9 am and I was really lazy to get out of bed it was one of those days were u dont feel productive I stayed in bed on my phone and I got a call from Bryce and I answered it

Phone call:

Bryce-hi did I wake u up
Addison-no I was awake
Bryce-so how's everything
Addison-not good
Bryce-why what happened
Addison-Thomas is being annoying and saying we can't see u guys and we can't talk to u
Bryce-did we do anything
Addison-no not at all it's just because he wants the hype house to have the only hype
Addison-ik and when we came back home he started yelling at us
Bryce-what the fuck
Addison-*laughs* ya like he is such a bitch
Bryce-so what are u doing today
Addison-nothing just probably chilling
Bryce-uh griffin and Dixie are hanging out today and they are gonna go to target and these stuff and they told me to come with them so uh wanna come with us
Addison-sure what time
Bryce- 12 we'll come pick u guys up
Addison-no no no we'll come to ur house if Thomas sees u guys he'd kill u and I don't want that to happen
Bryce-why cause u care about me
Addison-hmmmm I'll answer that when I see u
Bryce-but Addiso-
Addison-you'll Have to wait now I gotta go so talk to u later bye
Bryce-bye cutie

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