Chapter 25: The pool party

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Hey guys author here so I decided to make the pool party different and invite people so yeah enjoy

Addisons pov:
I woke up at 9 am and took a shower and did my facial (skincare morning routine) I went downstairs and had some breakfast omlette and coffee then I went back upstairs to get ready cause after a few hours people will start arriving for the POOL PARTYYY so I got ready I did water proof makeup cause we are all gonna swimming so I changed into this

Addisons pov:I woke up at 9 am and took a shower and did my facial (skincare morning routine) I went downstairs and had some breakfast omlette and coffee then I went back upstairs to get ready cause after a few hours people will start arriving for...

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The guys all went to get some stuff from target and I went downstairs and found that girls were sitting downstairs and I came and sat with them

Mads-no way
Nessa-dude u look gorgeous
Addison-aww thank u
Dixie-Bryce is never gonna take his eyes off u
Addison-guys no
Avani-I'm pretty sure he will drool
Addison-guys no we are for the one hundredth time we are just friends
Charli-UM.... no, u guys have been flirting since the day u guys met
Addison-no we aren't
Mads-whatever, but when u guys date ur gonna thank us
Addison-we are not gonna date

*knock knock*

Dixie-I'll get it

Addisons pov;
Dixie went to open the door and the boys came in they were carrying a lot of stuff so I went To go help them and Bryce came in and I could see him not keep his eyes off me I guess the girls were right he was holding a lot of stuff so I went over to help him

*they both stared at each other deeply in each other's eyes*
Bryce-you you uh you look good
*they kept staring at each other again*
Jaden-can u guys stop staring at each other and help us
Addison-oh sorry
Josh-buddy is in l-
Bryce-shut up

Addisons pov:
We then placed everything got the drinks and waited I made some tiktoks with Bryce and waited for a while after a few minutes People started arriving it was the hype house (except Thomas cause ain't coming) and the clubhouse we all were outside and chilling songs were playing I stood with the girls for a while and after half an hour people started to go in the pool so I got upstairs and changed into my swimsuit

Addisons pov:We then placed everything got the drinks  and waited I made some tiktoks with Bryce and waited for a while after a few minutes People started arriving it was the hype house (except Thomas cause ain't coming) and the clubhouse we all w...

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I went back downstairs and saw Bryce almost drooling while looking at me ,he then came to me and just stared into my eyes then he got closer to me and I backed away and we kept doing that same thing until I hit a wall in the house he pinned me to the wall then we heard someone come in and it was josh so we broke the staring and he got away from me

Josh-sorry I didn't mean to interrupt ur makeout session
Bryce and Addison at the same time -STOP
*they laugh*
Bryce-josh it's not funny
Josh-k fine I'll leaving
* josh leaves*
Addison-let's go swim
Bryce-after u

Addisons pov:
Bryce and I went swimming in the pool and made more tiktoks then he told me he was going to the bathroom then I sat alone for a while and tony came up to me , he seemed  nicer so we talked then tony tried to come closer to me and he wanted to kiss me I guess I was wrong about him being nicer then I saw Bryce in the corner Then he looked at me I gave him a signal to come and help me then he came and said

Bryce-HEY back off
Bryce-can't u see she doesn't wanna kiss u, so leave her
Tony-oh baby is just playing hard to get
Bryce-shut the fuck up
Addison-bryce calm down
Tony-yeah Bryce calm down
Bryce-ur a piece of shit
Tony-no u are a piece of shit,Addison hates being around u and she always tells me ur annoying
Addison-WHAT no no that's not true Bryce is swear it's not true,
*bryce ignores Addison*
Tony-ur a bitch
*tony raises his hand to slap Addison then Bryce holds his hand not making him slap Addison*
Bryce-put ur fucking hand down ,out of the house NOW
*tony leaves*
Addison-bryce I swear I didn't say that please believe me-
Bryce-it's ok I believe u, I wouldn't believe that bitch
Addison-thank u
Bryce-are u ok
Addison-I'm fine and thanks for helping me
Bryce-ur welcome,wanna make a tiktok

Addisons pov:
Bryce and I made some tiktok and I then went inside to get a drink and when I came back I went over to the girls for a while

Mads-see we told u Bryce wouldn't keep his eyes off u
Addison-oki fine
Avani-we saw what happened with u and tony
Dixie-it was really bad
Nessa-but at least Bryce was there for u
Addison-I told him to come help me cause I wouldn't be able to stop tony on my own
Charli-that's good, now what time does the party end
Mads-im pretty sure 5:30 pm
Addison-well it's 4 now so an hour and a half
~skip time to 5:28 pm~

Addisons pov:
People started leaving and after they left we cleaned the house and made sure there was no trash around and after half an hour we were done I went upstairs took a shower and changed into comfy pjs

Then I came back downstairs to have a movie night ,we then picked the movie cast away and we made some popcorn I wasn't sitting next to Bryce this time but i feel like we were both Just looking at each other I don't know why ,we are so weird  afte...

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Then I came back downstairs to have a movie night ,we then picked the movie cast away and we made some popcorn I wasn't sitting next to Bryce this time but i feel like we were both Just looking at each other I don't know why ,we are so weird  after that movie ended Charls and dix went to make dinner and they made a Mexican  bowl with vegetables chicken some sauce and a few rice and we ate it after 2 hours it was 11 pm so I went upstairs I did my night facial (skincare night routine) and went to sleep immediately

I hope U guys liked this chapter I love u all byeeeww sorry fir the long chapter ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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