Chapter 16: Oh no !!!!!!

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Addisons pov:
The food arrived and we were all in our swimsuits just eating our food outside and listening to some songs after we finished food we all changed back to our normal clothes and I had extra which was good

Addisons pov:The food arrived and we were all in our swimsuits just eating our food outside and listening to some songs after we finished food we all changed back to our normal clothes and I had extra which was good

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We all chilled outside like the usual and we decided to play truth or dare we all gathered around in a circle and played truth or dare

Nessa-I'll go first,quinton truth or dare
Nessa-hmmmm when was the last time u peed ur pants
Quinton-*laughs* omg are u serious
Quinton-probably like 2 years ago,anyways moving on,uh Mads truth or dare
Quinton-I dare u to call a Chinese restaurant and order a pizza
*mads Calls the Chinese restaurant and when Mads said can I order a pizza the lady says I'm sorry This is the wrong place in annoyed way and hangs up *
Mads-well that was weird anyways,Addison truth or dare
Mads-what was the most embarrassing thing you've done infront of a boy
Addison- well when I was in 6th grade I tripped and fell infront of my crush
*everyone laughs*
Addison-bryce truth or dare
Addison-I dare u to go on that floor and jump in the pool
Bryce-k I'm down
*bryce goes up and jumps into the pool*

Addisons pov:
We continued to play the game and after a while the sun set and it was 6:20 after we finished the game Bryce and I wanted to watch an episode of money heist so we got into the living room and watched only 1 episode cause I had to leave soon Bryce put his usual arm around me and we got close to each other I felt so safe with him After the episode ended avani and I had to leave so we told everyone goodbye and we left

Addisons pov:
I told avani what happened when I went to get water and she was like awww and I told her to stop we then arrived at the hype house, these past few days I've been neglecting Thomas so it made me more calm and relaxed and not feeling stressed we got inside and went upstairs we ignored that Thomas was there and he didn't even see us, avani and I went upstairs to the girls and told them everything, the usual and all these stuff

Charli-addison I know you may not like it but u and Bryce should go on a date
Addison-WHAT no no no,
Dixie-u both have been flirting for the past days
Avani-guys I agree with u but I feel like it's kind of too early
Addison-exactly we've known each other a few days ago and we are very good friends but don't u think we should take it slow
Charli-u know what ur actually right
Dixie-u guys can take it slow then go on a date
Addison-Dix we are not jumping to conclusions
Dixie-ok fine

Addisons pov:
When we finished our talk I went back to my room and changed into comfy clothes that double as pajamas ,took off my makeup and sat downstairs

Addisons pov:When we finished our talk I went back to my room and changed into comfy clothes that double as pajamas ,took off my makeup and sat downstairs

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