chapter 8

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i sat in my car in shock for a few minutes before finally gathering myself and driving off . this bitch , she's supposed to be my best friend and she honestly just accused me of this . i'm dumbfounded and i'm utter shock.

i arrived at home and went straight to my room , i layed staring at my ceiling trying to piece together everything until eventually sleep came over me.

i woke up to my alarm sounding . i got up , i felt sluggish and extremely exhausted but above all i was pissed off.

i put on some skinny jeans and a hoodie , curled my hair and put on some make up before heading out , my moms been working some random shifts but i texted her to remind her about dinner at the polibio's restaurant tonight .

i drove to pick up taylor and as soon as she got into the car it was like someone opened up a dam the way i started venting .

"like why the fuck would she tell me that " i said , "she's obviously threatened by you but i think you should confront her and ask her what her problem is " taylor said adding fuel to the fire.

we walk into school and we were immediately joined by vic , "i mean i never liked her " vic said after taylor and i explained everything . "you can't just leave it like that go ask her what her what the hell is wrong with her " vic said and i nodded.

i walked over to jennas locker , "jenna" i said and she turned around " what " she snapped , "i just wanted to come over here and try and figure out what made you say that last night ?" i asked almost so softly is wasn't audible. i hated how's soft i got but honestly the thought of losing my best friend killed me .

"are you blind or just stupid ? you were literally flirting with him the entire night and trying to speak to his mom like som pathetic simp " she said , i was so taken aback , but soon i regained myself . "have you never heard of being friends with someone else " i asked almost laughing . "no you're just pathetic to think he'd ever leave me for someone like you " she said . i had enough , "you know what , just because every girl literally throws themselves at mattia's feet because they're inlove with him doesn't mean i want to , and quite frankly you treat him like shit and are constantly picking fights with him no wonder he likes his "fake side pieces" more than you sometimes " i snapped people were starting to stare . "yea- well.. he's still dating me " she said . "trust me it's out of pity , his mom doesn't like you , he's borderline over you and let's just be honest if i wanted him , i'd have him " i said before turning around and walking away.

i immediately headed for math , i'm the type of person who cry's when they're angry and i hate it because now i'm sitting in math trying to calm myself down before i cry .

"hey are you okay " i heard a voice ask , it was kairi . "uhm yes " i struggled to speaks "i heard about what happened with jenna so i'm just checking " he said softly, "thanks kai i'm good " i reassured him .


after math i was standing speaking to kairi when the person i was dreading seeing the most walked over . "can we talk " matti asked , "we are talking " i replied sarcastically trying to lighten them tension that was starting to form . "i mean alone " he said bluntly looking at kairi who nodded and walked over to vic a bit further away from us . "what happened with jenna this morning. " he asked , "nothing " i shruggged . "then why the fuck is she coming at me saying i want to break up with her and that my mom doesn't like her " he said a bit too loudly that people started looking over . i stayed quite trying to calm myself down , "well , you always have so much to say why aren't you speaking " he snapped . "why does it matter what i said to her " i asked , "because you fucking ruined everything " he said . " i ruined everything ? i just lost my ducking best friend over you , for something i didn't even do " i yelled . he looked take aback almost as if he didn't expect me to speak "you wanna know what we were arguing about , you . you're the reason we were arguing because she accused me of having a thing for you . which i don't . so actually you fucking ruined everything " i said and his face fell realization setting , "kels i didn't - " he started , "you didn't what ? know ? care? this is honestly the reason i never liked you all you care about it yourself " i said tears were now actively falling from my eyes but i didn't care .

kairi walked over and wrapped his arm around my shoulder , "cmon let's go " he said leading me away leaving a shocked mattia standing alone in the halls . kairi walked me over to the weird unisex bathrooms and handed me some tissues to wipe my face . "do you want to talk about it " he asked as i attempted to fix my make up that and now run everywhere . "not right now but thank you kai , for being there for me " i said hugging him .

he wrapped both arms around me tightly , i inhaled deeply , he smelt really good but before i knew it i was crying again , he just stood there hugging me and rubbing circles into my back . "it's going to be okay kels " he said softly into my ear . the bell rand signaling the start of the next period . i pulled back slightly " you have to get to class " i said , "nah i'm staying here until you're okay " he said before hugging me again .


kai and i walked into lunch together later and took a seat at the normal table immediately noticing that jenna was no where to be seen and that mattia was sitting with mateo and some other guys . "maybe if you decide you do wanna talk about it we could hang at my house tomorrow " kairi said "i'd like that " i said. i felt oddly comfortable around him , it's probably because i've literally cried into his chest but yea .

lunch was filled with pointless discussions to avoid the elephant in the room but we all knew what happened. everyone shot me an apologetic smile occasionally and kairi kept checking on me every couple minutes .

physics was hell , mattia completely ignore me the entire period while i tried to focus on what was being said it felt like my head was covered in cotton wool , i was completely numb right now .


"so i heard something " taylor said as we were driving home "hmm" i hummed , "tia was talking to about how upset he was that jenna accused you of that , and that he's considering breaking up with her because of it " she said , "he's only doing and saying that because i called him out on his bull shit " i said and she just frowned slightly next to me , "i'm proud of you for standing up to her though " tay said before leaning over to hug me and then getting out at her house .


"honey are you ready to go " my mom yelled from downstairs, she was forcing me to still go to the restaurant even after everything that happened

i walked downstairs slowly , i just wore some nice jeans and a cute top with my new af1's "why don't you wear a dress" my mom asked taking in my outfit while packing her purse , "because i don't want to " i said , "okay it's fine let's go " she said .


we arrived at the restaurant, mattia's dad was standing at the door , "hi mr polibio " i smiles , "hi there kelsey " he said ,"mr polibio this is my mom " i said introducing them "hi Kate " my mom said shaking his hand "luca" he responded with a smile . he lead us inside to a booth . "camila will be over in a second " he said before walking away . "did he said camila" my mom asked and i nodded "yea that's mattia's moms name " i shrugged .

his mom walked over i and i swear my mom looked like she malfunctioned . "camila?" she said in shock , "Kate ?" . no , there was no fucking way this was happening ...

"it's been so long how are you " mrs polibio said as my mom got up to hug her . "i've missed you so much " my mom practically squealed .

authors note

hi there everyone

i hope you all are doing okay 🥺❤️

thank you all for the insane amount of love and support on this book right now i'm in shock ❤️

love y'all sm
- han 💋

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