chapter 22

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mattia's pov

the next day i was just chilling on the couch when my phone buzzed .

i got up and went to open the door , "hey " i said . gianna looked up at me "hi " she said as i moved to the side to let her in .

"mind me asking why you invited me over " she asked , "uhm things are kinda done with kelsey and i just wanted to chill and get my mind off everything so i invited you and -" i was interrupted by the door bell ringing . i opened the door revealing mar , "mariano " i smiled greeting him , "what's good man " he responded. "hey gianna been a while " he said and hugged her ."i just thought that we haven't hung out in a while so and i wanted to get my mind off everything so figured we could get high and chill " i said and they both nodded in agreement .

" so what exactly happened " gianna asked taking the bong from mar and smoking , "nothing she's just moving to LA " i shrugged , "ahh that's unfortunate man " mar said .


this repeated itself everyday for almost and entire week and a half . me , mar and gianna getting high and drunk at each other's houses everyday after school . i've been avoiding the inevitable . her leaving .


*phone rings *
*kelsey is calling *

i looked at my phone hesitantly but i picked up regardless .

me :

kelsey :
hi matti

me :
what's up

uhm i leave tomorrow and i was wondering if you wanted to know if you could come over to talk

me :
yea sure i'll see you in 10

okay see you then

kelsey's pov

i hung up , i was honestly surprised he agreed to come over considering he's been avoiding me for the entire 2 weeks and i haven't heard from him once .

i carried on packing the last of my clothes into a box until i heard the door bell ring and my mom opened the door . footsteps travelled up the stairs to my room and soon enough there he was . "hi " i said so softly i wondered if he even heard me . "hey cutie " he said and a small smile crept across my face . "cmon " i said walking out of my room and he followed behind me .

we ended up on the roof a couple minutes later , mattia had to help me because i almost fell like 3 times but we made it none the less . the sun was just slightly setting and he was playing music .

"so how have you been " i asked , "kinda shit not gonna lie , my mom walked in on me smoking weed with mariano and then called his mom and now his moving away " he shrugged , "awh i'm sorry to hear " i said genuinely meaning it . "yea and now she signed us up for some foreign exchange student thing because she thinks it'll help me "mature" by learning another culture " he said sounding annoyed " oh come on  it could be a cute girl for all you know " i said wriggling my eye brows "or some nerd from the middle of nowhere " he snapped and i burst out laughing . "it probably won't be that bad matti " i said and he just went quite.

"i'm gonna miss you , you know " i said , "i'm gonna miss you more kels " he said and i could feel tears wanting to flow out but i held them back . "you're honestly probably the first girl i've genuinely had feelings for and considering i never even got to pursue them fully because my dumbass couldn't admit it earlier i'm a little pissed  " he said and i chuckled lightly "you know what they say , if you love something set it free if it comes back it's yours forever if it doesn't it never was " i said and he rolled his eyes . "so you think we're gonna see each other again " he asked . "yea maybe at our 15th high school anniversary " i laughed and he pouted . "i'm kidding i'm sure it'll be sooner than that " i said . "just promise me one thing " i said and he looked over at me . "what" he said . "don't wait this long to tell the next girl you like her " i said and he looked at the sunset again . "i promise even though i doubt there'll be anyone for a while " he said . " oh come on what about gianna i can tell she really likes you maybe you should just give it a shot " i said . "kels you're leaving for forever tomorrow can you stop trying to set me up with a new girl " he chuckled . "i'm just saying " i said lifting my hands in defense .

mattia leaned in and caressed the side of my face with his hand , "you're the only girl i'll be thinking about for a while" he said before leaning in and kissing me . it was slow and i savored every second of it from the way his lips felt against mine to the was he smelled i was going to miss it all so much and before i knew it tears were falling . "hey hey it's going to be okay " he said pulling me into his arms and hugging me .

we just sat like that for a while until the sun had almost completely set before hopping off the roof .

"it's not like you'll never speak to me again " mattia said , "yea i know i'll annoy you on snap for a while or until you stop replying to me " i said giggling . "i'm gonna miss you so much mattia and your mom " my mom said hugging mattia , "i'm gonna miss you too kate , my mom said she'll pop around tomorrow before you guys leave since i'll have to be at school " he said and my heart sank . he wouldn't even be able to see off at the airport none of my friends would . vic , taylor , ale and kairi all came by earlier because i wanted to be alone with mattia .

" on the bright side did you hear about ale and vic " i said as i walked mattia out , "yea i mean honestly we all knew they'd get back together eventually " mattia said chuckling .

he looked down at me and embrace me in one more hug . "bye kels , i hope you have a safe flight and don't forget to snap and message me " he said . "bye mattia i'm gonna miss you so much " i said as he let go and started walking to his car . "oh and don't let LA change you " he said as he opened the car door . "oh please i'll change LA before it ever changes me " i said laughing . he got into his car and i waved as he drove off and that was the last i saw of mattia polibio .

authors note

okay so let me start by explaining if you didn't click already 😹

this book takes place "before" a foreign exchange one . so therefor all events here happened before the first book hence why mattia is only hearing about the foreign exchange student and why gianna and mar are in the picture .

now that , that's cleared up this is officially the end of crew love but don't worry a foreign exchanges first chapter will probably be up by tomorrow if not later tonight which i'm super excited for and i hope you are too🥺🥺

thank you so much for all the support on this book it is appreciated so much 🥺❤️

i love yall
"see"you soon
- hannah 👀❤️

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