Institute of Perfection Highschool Host Club

848 23 30

A/N: A romantic pairing was needed for this one, so this goes out to all the Lou x Moxy shippers!

Lou: *Tamaki Suoh voice* This anime must be a romantic comedy! Moxy and I are the main characters, therefore love interests.

Ox: What are we?

Lou: You boys, are the homosexual supporting cast! So please, stay on your side of the line.

*Carves line across the floor*

Nolan: You scratched the marble...

A/N: Somebody out there who doesn't suck at editing videos, help me out with this one!

[EDIT: A massive thank you to Emo_Spinel for making my silly fangirl dreams happen! 😂 Imma try to put the link down below, not sure if it will work, but here we go:]

[if it doesn't work, there's an inline comment on my second A/N with the same link]

[EDIT again: Okay so I finally found a clip of the original audio, it's in the media up above. The dub is slightly different than the manga translation (which is what I used for the meme), but y'all get the idea 😂]

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