Neptune's decision, for the sake of Gamindustri

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Hansuke's POV

Hours after the dinner, everyone returned to what they've been doing, as for me, i was on the balcony with Noire holding hands and looking at the stars, we start thinking about our next course of actions.

Noire: the stars are really beautiful ! right honey ?

Hansuke: yes, they are. just like you.

Noire: *blushing* come on, stop it honey.... you're making me blushing.

Hansuke: *smiling* i like teasing you.

Noire: i know.

Hansuke: the city is beautiful isn't it ?

Noire: yes, Planeptune is safe once more, all thanks to our efforts, Kazuma, Nepgear, Uni, Rom & Ram would be proud of us.

Hansuke: you bet, especially Kazuma, Nepgear and Uni, if they were here, they would praise us for protecting the nation they love.

Noire: Uni loved to come here and see Nepgear, i guess you right on this one.

Hansuke: both of them fall in love with my little brother, i guess they really cared for his well being ever since he arrival here.

Noire: yes, they love him so much that they are willing to go wherever he go.

Hansuke: eheheheh, i see, my little brother has become a man now.

Noire: anyway, what should we do now that Planeptune is out of danger ?

Hansuke: after tonight, we are going straight to Lowee, we going to need the help of the Goddess from there.

Noire: you mean Blanc ?

Hansuke: not only her, how many people we still need to find ?

Noire: well, we still need to find RED, Marvy, CyberConnect2, Tekken, Broccoli and Falcom, if we include Blanc, that makes 7 people.

Hansuke: okay, and once Nepgear, Uni, Rom, Ram and Kazuma and saved from the Keyblade Graveyard, our family will be complete.

Noire: still, they gonna need to have rest, four years imprisoned there must have really painful for them.

Hansuke: yeah, and the good news is that rat won't give us trouble for a long time.

Noire: i thought he would continue to interfere with our journey, but with the beating he took from us, he won't be able to do anything for a while, but still something was not right about him.

Hansuke: like what ?

Noire: i looked his unconscious body, i noticed an awful amount of darkness coming out from his body.

Hansuke: that's impossible, someone like him couldn't handle this much Darkness, a huge amount like that could bring him into insanity or worse turning him into a Heartless.

Noire was shocked from what she heard from me, however with the cell, he is in even if he wake up he won't be able to use Darkness to escape. but still i think he is a good person at heart despite being a troublemaker.

Noire: i can't imagine what he would look like if he turn into a Heartless.

Hansuke: me too, but there's something else that was on my mind for a while, from the way he reacted, it is possible that he was brainwashed by GRIM REAPER during the four years following ASIC's defeat.

Noire: it is possible, but we gonna need solid proofs.

Hansuke: well, we can think about it when the time comes, right now we need to seek the rest of Kazuma's friends.

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