The rage of Blanc, Vs Hokori the Sin of Pride

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Meiun's POV

After we finish off the !angelic Heartless and saved Lowee from the invasion, we didn't expect Hokori the Sin of Pride and one of the four Lords of Death to actually show up, after hearing his intentions even if it is against his own moral code, we prepare ourselves to fight against him in a very difficult battle.

Hokori: come at me, i will show you all the true power of flames of hell

Vert: whoa ! such energy !

Blanc: those flames look so hot, what is this insane energy he had.

Meiun: both of you guessed very well, i understand now why he show only a fraction of his power back at the former ASIC Factory four years ago.

Blanc: you mean to tell us, that this energy that burst out from his body is his true strength !

Meiun: yes, Hokori the Sin of Pride use the power of flames that come from depth of hell, he has a great mastery over it and can use like he wish.

Vert: that's gonna be a problem, if this is his true strength, we gonna have difficult to beat him.

Meiun: Hokori maybe strong but like his fellow Lord of Death Ōkui, he has a weakness.

Blanc: tell us, maybe we can use this information we had to find a way to beat him.

Meiun: since Hokori has control over fire, he has a weakness with water based attack, due to the magic properties, ice magic is also very effective on him.

Blanc: so my ice magic can do the trick.

Vert: anything else ?

Meiun: since he's a vessel that host a fragment of The Reaper's power, he basically has control over darkness, so light-based attack are very effective against him.

Vert: i see.

Meiun: beside i sense the others who head at our direction.

Blanc: they must have learn of the true purpose of the invasion and all come here to help us.

Meiun: yes, so we better buy time for time to arrival, we cannot let this guy cause chaos around Lowee.

Blanc: right as the Goddess of Lowee it's my duty to protect the people of my nation, i won't let GRIM REAPER destroy what i hold dear.

Vert: right, all of us will show them that all of us are one big family that will not let them do as they please.

"Hokori's Boss Battle Theme start"

Everyone was agree with what Vert said, Hokori begin to move to open the hostility, he kick Blanc out of the way and uppercut Vert who was caught off guard.

Blanc: ahhhh !

Vert: urgh !

Meiun: Blanc ! Vert !

Hokori: don't let yourself distracted Meiun.

I quickly block his fist and kick him in the torso pushing him back, he charge at me again and i start defending myself against him, exchange fist and kick with him, i sense that his level of power is much higher than the last time, but i too have my strength increased over the four years that passed.

Hokori: oh ! you seem to have become stronger since the last time.

Meiun: i can say the same to you.

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