Let's go to Lastation, meeting with Noire

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Chika's POV

The next day, i wake up from my bed and clean myself up, before going to wake up Hansuke and Mina, but when i open the door and about to tell them to wake up, i was surprised and shocked to see both Mina and Hansuke together in one bed holding each other

Chika: Mina, Hansuke, it's time to......

Hansuke & Mina: ..........

Chika: okay, i come back later.

i close slowly the door and my head begin to think about how this happen. Mina and Hansuke holding each other in the same bed and completely naked, i wonder what happened last night.

Chika "blushing": "what happened between them last night ? anyway, i better head to the kitchen and prepare lunch for everyone"

While on the way to the kitchen, i saw Vert heading to the kitchen as well, when she saw me she wonder what happened and why i had such a face.

Vert: good morning Chika.

Chika: good morning Vert.

Vert: what's wrong ? you have such a face this morning ?

Chika: oh ! nothing..... it's nothing, come one my darling Vert, let's go prepare lunch for everyone when they wake up.

Vert: okay.

I walk to the kitchen like nothing, but Vert begin to wonder why i react like this, she wonder about this and realize that Hansuke and Mina must have do something that Kazuma, Nepgear and Uni did four years ago, which this scene was still in her mind.

Vert: "oh boy, if those two really did it, then it's no wonder why Chika is acting like this, maybe she's jealous ? i will to keep an eye on her to confirm my suspicious"

Chika "blushing": what should i do when those two wake up ?

Me and Vert arrival at the kitchen and prepare lunch for Mina, Hansuke, Cave and 5pb. While i was preparing food i was still think about what i have seen this morning, to think Mina already have sex with Hansuke and sleep beside him, made me quite envious, but she don't mind if she share him with me.

Vert: oh ! it's 5pb. and Cave.

Cave: good morning Lady Vert, Chika.

5pb.: good morning you two.

Chika: good morning, did you two sleep well ?

5pb.: yes, we had a good sleep, right Cave ?

Cave: yeah, i did sleep well, but i still have those thought about what GRIM REAPER try to accomplish.

Chika: i see, this thought still haunt your mind, well it was also in the back of my mind for a while, but i remember Kazuma saying something about their objective.

Vert: so what's the objective of GRIM REAPER and the Reaper himself ?

Chika: from what i heard from Kazuma, The Reaper's main objective is to plunge our world into darkness, his presence also caused a worldwide calamity back at Osaka.

Vert: i see, if The Reaper's objective was to plunge the world into darkness, GRIM REAPER and the four Lords of Death's objective is to revive him as they worship him as some sort of Deity.

Cave: that's creepy why people like them worship a being that also destroyed our world once ?

Chika: i don't know, but i know that the Dragneel Family isn't in best term with them as they were responsable for the death of Hansuke's mother which was the catalyst of them being locked in a endless cycle of conflict against them.

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