All the Goddesses reunited, Blanc the Goddess of Lowee

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Mina's POV

We arrival at the Basilicom right after we left the Lowee Global Expo, Financier run at us seeing Blanc's state and tell us to get her to her room so that she can rest, i stay by her side for the rest of the day as Hansuke tell the full situation to Financier.

Mina: Blanc....

Blanc: urgh..... Mina ? is that you ?

Mina: yes, it's me Blanc, i'm glad that you are safe.

Blanc: *sniff* *sniff* i'm so happy to see you....

Mina: me too, but i though you were still angry at me over what happened to Rom & Ram four years ago.

Blanc "tears": i was *sob* but after i yelled at you with all my rage *sob* i begin realizing the mistake i've made *sob* it was because of me that you were found in a near death state by Vert and Chika *sob*

Mina: i know, but they treated me with care, it's not your fault Blanc, you couldn't control your emotions at that time.

Blanc "tears": *sob* but.... but still.... *sniff* it was my fault you left Lowee and the Basilicom for four years.... *sob* i blamed myself for everything i've done to Rom, Ram and even you.... *sob* i'm such a failure as a Goddess.

Mina: don't say that Blanc, you are a good Goddess to everyone in Lowee, no one can't change this fact, not me or you.

Blanc "tears": *sniff* *sniff* but.....

Mina: Hansuke would say the same thing as me.

Blanc: Hansuke ! the grandson of Haru Dragneel !

Mina: yes, the very same one who saved you from the Heartless.

Blanc: i see.... i know i had to rest but can you tell him to meet me in my room, i want to thank him for saving my life back at the Lowee Global Expo.

Mina: off course, wait for me, i bring him here.

I go get Hansuke as Blanc asked, he was in the living room with the girls and Meiun talking about the recent actions of the Heartless since the Planeptune invasion which make IF wonder about what's their next course of action.

IF: those Heartless are really annoying, seeking the power of the Keyblade, no wonder the Keyblades wielder are automatically targeted by them.

Compa: both Chika and Hansuke have Keyblade, in Chika's case, she inherited her Keyblade from Kazuma by passing the inheritance ceremony.

IF: i remember her saying this to me once.

Hansuke: anyway, looks like things are calm for now, but it won't be long before those monsters reappear again.

Noire: so babe, i wonder what are the Heartless's next course of actions ?

Neptune: we do know that they are searching for remnants of the Four Felon's dark powers so that they could use it to break the seal, but it is difficult for them with us getting in there way.

Chika: so they probably use the Heartless to distract us while they do their job as their leader asked them to do.

Meiun: i see, they use the Heartless as a way to distract us from their main mission, but what they fail to realize is that we are far more stronger than them.

Vert: yeah, we know that Hokori, Ōkui and Ikari are extremely strong opponent, fighting against Ōkui give us the proof of that.

Kei: they are equal to each other in term of strength but since Senbō is their leader and the one leading GRIM REAPER, he must a lot stronger then them.

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