Planeptune here we go, The Goddess Neptune has arrival

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Noire's POV

After the events of what happened with GRIM REAPER and our fight against one of the four Lords of Death Ōkui, we decide to rest a while and the next day, we decided to leave the Basilicom of my nation to go to Planeptune, the nation ruled by my best friend and rival Neptune also known as Purple Heart in her Goddess form.

Hansuke: so tell me babe, what's you relationship with Neptune ?

Noire: we're best friends ever since we first meet.

Hansuke: i guess that it didn't have a good start at first.

Noire: yes, at first we didn't like each other as we were rival, but overtime we came to know each other and become great friends.

Hansuke: i see, i bet Neptune was also involve in the chaos that ASIC caused.

Noire: it was, four years ago she, her sister Nepgear along with Blanc, Vert and myself went to fight CFW Magic, but we were defeated by her and held captive for three years.

Hansuke: it was hard for your sister to be left all alone like this.

Noire: yes, i tell her that she can't go with her as she wasn't strong enough to face off an opponent like CFW Magic, but with time i came to regret making that decision.

Hansuke: how did you change your mind about this ?

Noire: well it was after ASIC and the Deity of Sin were destroyed, Uni along with Kazuma and the rest of the CPU Candidates went to the Keyblade Graveyard to fight GRIM REAPER's leader, Histoire told us this, i totally freaked out.

Hansuke: sounds like history repeated itself but with your younger sister this time.

Noire: yes, when i learn of her supposed death, i blamed myself for what i have did to her, leaving her all alone for three years after getting captured and then free by her and her friends.

Hansuke: i see, despite saving by her, your guilt was still there right ?

Noire: yes, my guilt and sadness didn't stop increasing during the four years that had passed, i even have nightmares from time to time.

Hansuke: Noire....

Noire "tears": *sob* i wish i could undone the mistakes i did in the past *sob* but.... i let my pride getting in the way *sob* i have made my little sister suffer *sniff* i'm such a bad sister.....

Hansuke: you are wrong Noire, you are a good sister to Uni, i know deep down you still are, if anyone should be blamed it's me.

Noire "tears": why ? Hansuke you're crying ?

Hansuke "tears": i blamed myself for not been able to protect the ones i loved, my mother was killed right under my eyes, Fuyu, Asuka and Genji sacrificed themselves to save the world, my father went missing and now Kazuma is held captive at the worst of all places. If i were with them back then, this would never have happen in the first place.

Noire "tears": Hansuke.... i know how you feel, you like me, someone who lost a lot, but don't worry i won't die.

Hansuke "tears": you won't..... leave me behind ?

Noire "tears": i won't because i love you.... i love you since i meet you.... i vowed myself to help you destroy GRIM REAPER and find the happiness that you deserve.

At those words, Vert, Chika, Mina, Kei, Cave and 5pb. approach us and all smile at Hansuke who was in tears after blaming himself for not been able to save his family.

Vert: Noire's right, you deserve to have that happiness.

Chika: you are someone precious to us Hansuke, we definitely won't let you fight alone.

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