The Squidbeak 7

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⭐Chapter 25: The Squidbeak 7

"Everyone ready?!" Rider shouted.


"Use your specials NOW!!"

Everyone summoned their weapons at the exact same time, the Luminous 7 backing away a little. A ninja star, a spray can, an enlarged blaster, two jaws, a bow an arrow, electric ink on fists, and a giant dynamo roller were in front of them. Oddly enough, all of them were glowing with a strange white light instead of their usual color.

"What's this...this feeling?" Nana said, amazed at the new feeling of power coming from everybody.

"Do you think we should combine them?" Gloves asked.

"Well, if they're glowing like this, I think we should!" Goggles replied happily.

"Alright then, everybody aim up!" Hachi shouted.

As much as Vintage and Skull wanted to finish the luminous then and there, they joined in. Vintage threw his star into the air, and Gloves threw his spray can into it. The two clashed and formed a giant, glowing red and orange ball of light. Hachi added his 8 shots from his blaster while Skull's light jaws clamped down around the ball. Nana shot her arrow into the light and Goggles leapt up to punch the ball. Rider then slammed his Roller into the ball, which surprisingly did not shoot it straight at the luminous but instead added the purple color to the now rainbow colored orb.

The squidbeak felt themselves slowly rising into the air as they did this, and when they looked around, saw that they were several feet in the air above the luminous. The giant ball of light had grown as they added more attacks to it, and their trait auras began going crazy with power. The Luminous 7 could only stare in fear as the squidbeak looked down at them. Never in their lives did they think a group of teenagers that were seemingly weak and pathetic would be their demise. And now, here they were.

"Any last words before we finish this?" Rider asked aloud.

None of the squidbeak said anything, just shaking their heads. Gloves and Goggles wanted to say something iconic, but also didn't want to wind up sounding stupid. Vintage however, spoke up.

"Who's in power now, you worthless wastes of space?" he asked coldly.

The Luminous 7 did not respond, and slowly kept backing away to the best of their ability. Vintage watched them as they did so, a sense of pride filling his being as he saw their fear of him. Their bodies were shaking, eyes wide, and from the looks of it, their breathing was unsteady. Gloves also found it a little amazing, especially since Hessomight was usually the one to induce fear in others. Boy oh boy had the tides turned on the Luminous 7 now.

"They're trying to escape, but it will be of no use. Let's shoot them down now," Vintage said, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Alright then. FIRE!" Rider shouted.

Special Weapon: NEXUS LASER!

With all their might, the squidbeak aimed the ball of light at the luminous, who were too weak to move. A beam of light shot out, and hit the Luminous 7 directly, almost blinding them with its brightness. The squidbeak watched as the Nexus Laser absolutely destroyed the ground around the luminous, as well as filled the area with a very bright light. They kept firing in that same area, not about to give up just yet until they were sure the luminous were defeated. This special lasted for at least 6 seconds.

Eventually the light cleared, leaving the ground below shaken, torn up, cracked, and in pieces. Dust had been blown around, and that was settling too. The squidbeak slowly lowered to the ground, hoping they hadn't made too much noise. As they neared the ground, the squidbeak looked at the area the luminous were by.

It was just a giant hole on the asphalt road, with black stains splattered on the broken pieces of asphalt nearby.

"Did we kill those worthless nobodies?" Vintage asked.

The rest of the squidbeak sat in absolute silence at the image in front of them. Had they actually murdered the whole group of adults and teenagers? What would the idol 4 think about this if they found out? Would they be expelled from the squidbeak splatoon perhaps? Would the police even tell anyone? Could they think of a lie to protect themselves, or...?

"Looks like it..." Hachi said nervously.

"I...think we should go back to our hotel and rest up for tomorrow," Rider said.

"Agreed," everyone else said at the same time.

And so, the squidbeak made their way back to the hotel while also thinking about what they'd done. As much as they wanted to celebrate, they had a bit of a problem on their hands. Were they even considered heroes for saving the city, or were they criminals for murder? Either way, they were still nervous. All of them just wanted to go home and forget this ever happened. Hopefully they would be able to figure it out.

They were given 4 days to complete the test, but they'd completed it by the 3rd day. The first day, they'd had fun in the city and got their suits. The second day, they knocked out Amaryllis, Hessomight, and Flavo. The third day, they'd taken down Celadon, Mareiah, Lobelia, and Hex all together, as well as fought the whole group in the night. Man were they tired.

The train back to Inkopolis wouldn't arrive until the evening on the 4th day, so they had some time to gather their things and pack for the next day. In the meantime, the squidbeak figured they could de-stress by sleeping in and maybe doing some shopping around the area. This was a lot to take in, and they could only pray that the Luminous 7 would be done for good. They were not ready to deal with any more violence today, or in the coming days. They needed peace and tranquility.

Rider sighed as he looked up at the starry night sky.

We may not know what our fate is yet...

But I'm sure we've passed our test.



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