Chapter 1

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This was originally posted on @MidnightEdits as that's my first account but this is my fanfiction account. Please don't accuse me of stealing this book, I'm the creator of this fanfiction and every other one i will post.

Harry has had this all of his life: wake up; do chores; getting beat for doing a miniscule thing wrong; barely get food; repeat. This was a typical day, 10th of June, a few weeks before Harry's 16th birthday. He was cramped back into the cupboard under the stairs from causing too much noise from night terrors. He still gets them but Vernon has tried making the cupboard as soundproof as possible, like he did with the basement. What he had in mind, Harry had no idea.

He hears the thundering steps coming from Vernon, sounding angry. He pulls the lock open and yanks Harry out of the cold cupboard and throws him downstairs in the basement. He strides down after the injured boy and starts punching, kicking and working up a sweat. By the end of it: his left eye has swollen shut and bruised; his cheek was cut; his nose was broken; a gash was just above his eyebrow; his lip was cut open; a few broken ribs; a fractured skull; 3 popped blood vessels; severe concussion; bruise-covered torso; and a bruised lung. Vernon leaves the bruised and bloody boy and locks the basement door. After a few minutes, Harry gets excruciating pain, much like the cruciatus curse, flood his system and it sends him unconscious. A few hours later, Harry wakes up sore and he instinctively goes for his glasses before noticing that he doesn't need them. A letter drops through a cracked open window and Harry begins to read it.

Dear Mr Potter,

We would like to inform you that you need to arrive as soon as convenient to Gringotts Bank. We need to do a blood test as we were informed you went through an early inheritance. The letter has been transfigured into a portkey upon arrival. Code: Fire Fish.

From, Gringotts, The Wizarding Bank.

Signed: Griphook

Harry gets confused and says, confusion soaked his voice. "Fire Fish?" A bright light and crushing atmosphere later, he arrives at the bank and he gulps. He didn't want people to see his injuries. He quickly goes into Gringotts wanting this Summons to be over.

Harry's P.O.V.

I go up to Griphook and he frowns. "Harry Potter using glamours? What are you hiding?" I get confused but I realised I must of accidently casted one before entering. Griphook leads me into a private room and explains how to take a blood test. I prick my finger and puts 3 drops of blood on the sheet of paper. A list gets conjured up from nowhere and Griphook starts to read aloud.

Name: Harry James Potter
Father: James Potter-deceased
Mother: Lily Potter nee Evans-deceased
Godfather: Sirius Black

Adoptive Parents: Vernon Dursely; Petunia Dursely nee Evans.
Relatives (living): Petunia Dursely nee Evans; Dudley Dursley.

Creature: Neko (submissive) (blocked by glamours)
Mate: Draco Malfoy (Vampire)(Dominant)

Properties: Potter Manor; Potter safe house (destroyed); Peverell Manors.

I look at Griphook and I ask, nervously. "Umm, h-how do you remove glamours?" He smiles softly and removes the glamours from me and I feel: my hat (that I conjured to hide my face whilst looking down) get pushed off by something; an added weight pulling down on my lower back; my height shrinking. I see my body get more effeminate and curvey. I look in a mirror Griphook conjured and I see I have cat ears protruding from my head and a tail breaching out. The injuries are still prominent and I see that I got a somewhat hourglass figure. I hear a pop and Griphook announces. "A letter has been delivered to your mate." He smiles proudly and I gulp. Draco is going to be here!

I begin to panic and I hear a crack of the air, signalling Draco appeared in the room, enticing me to freeze. I hear Draco's mouth watering voice ring out as I hide behind the mirror. Wait why did I think that? "What am I doing here, Griphook? I'm trying to search for my mate and this visit isn't going to help." He snarls, obviously angry which makes me whimper in fear. Sadly, Draco hears this and with a push to the side, reveals my shaking body from fear. I see is eyes shine monetarily bright green before going to back to silver. "Harry?" He says confused before pulling me into a hug causing me to whimper in pain. He pulls away hearing that he accidently hurt me. "Griphook! What's wrong with Harry?!" He snarls angrily at the goblin, causing me to tense up and release a yelp. "I do not know. I suggest a St. Mungo visit?" He shakes his head and he looks down at me. He puts his finger under my chin to pull my head to make me look up at him and he breaks the momentary silence. "Do you trust me? I got new magic which bypasses the "no magic before 17" rule." I look confused and I feel the crushing feeling of apparating.

We arrive in hogsmeade and he calls out to the silence. "Dobby come here please." A crack later, Dobby shows up and his smile got removed as he sees the injuries I have. He grabs hold of us both and apparates to the infirmary where Madam Pomfrey does a diagnostic spell on me. A list appears. It says:

left eye has swollen shut and bruised; his cheek was cut; his nose was broken; a gash was just above his eyebrow; his lip was cut open; a few broken ribs; a fractured skull; 3 popped blood vessels; severe concussion; bruise-covered torso; and a bruised lung.

Overall (still not healed)
All of the above + self harm injuries.

(Over time)
Total times bones broken: 237
First severe injury: Aged 2
First time on drugs: n/a
First time on alcohol: Aged 4 (forced)
First anxiety attack: Aged 5
First time self harming: Aged 7

I gulp seeing both Pomfrey's and Draco's horrified faces. Draco holds me hand softly, making me blush. Fuck. Draco breaks the uncomfortable silence by saying. "Are you ok?" I feel him lay into the bed next to me and allows me to snuggle up to him. My submissive side takes over and I snuggle into him whilst I release silent tears. He strokes me head and cat ears whilst whispering sweet nothings into my human ears. Eventually, I drift off to sleep.

Whilst I sleep, Madam Pomfrey performs healing spells and puts potions into my stomach and adds a calming potion so I don't throw it up.

In the morning, I awake, whining as I don't feel Draco snuggling with me and I look around. "Dobby." I call out, raspily. With a loud crack, Dobby appears and I tell him to get Draco and some water adding a "please" at the end. I lay back down and soon Draco is bedside holding a glass of water and I drink some of it. "C-can y-you not tell anyone about that list?" He smiles softly and kisses my forehead, making me blush. "I won't ever do that without your permission." I nod, hugging him. Draco mumbles into my ear. "We do need to talk about who did it though." I gulp, loudly and I utter out. "I-it was my uncle." He feel the anger coming off him and he look at me. I see his irises are crimson red and he kisses my forehead. "I'm paying them a visit." Before I could stop him, he shows another talent: melting into thin air.

Draco's P.O.V.

I melt into the shadows and I appear by privet drive. I remember him mention "number 4" whenever talking about this place to his friends and I knock on number 4. A beefy, whale of a man answers the door, anger coarsing through his veins. "What?!" He snaps and I put my hands up in a non threatening manor before curling my right hand into a fist and punches him in the face, breaking his nose. He stares at me rabid like and tries punching me but I melt into the shadows but staying there. I search the house sending all of Harry's items to a spare room in my manor and I find a bloody puddle in the basement. I exam the room and notice modifications to make it soundproof.

I travel back into the infirmary and I sit beside Harry. "Do you want to come live with me? After all, we are mates." I notice his eyes get a hint of fear but he nods. "Great. Your items are already in your room." I put out my hand to allow him to have some control in this situation.

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