Chapter 16

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Once the overly-complicated hallways and stairways end, we reach the floor that The entrance to The Great Hall resides on. Holding his hand, we enter the room full of cacophonous chatter about people's my and the euphoric smell of food, in Draco's opinion. To me, all I smell is grease and the probability of gaining awful weight. We sit next to each other and Draco makes himself a plate and a smaller sized healthy breakfast for me, whispering to me. "Kitten, this is healthy for you. There's nothing unhealthy on your plate, don't worry." Reluctantly, I pick up my fork and I began to eat the fruit salad he gave me, eating the awful taste-filled ones first, leaving the nice fruit as a prize.

Smiling lightly, I finish half my plate without feeling sick so I stop before the inevitable feeling occurs and I pull at Draco's sleeve, wanting his attention. "What is it, Kitten?" I point to my half#-finished plate and he beams with joy and happiness, kissing my forehead, gently. "Well done, you knew when to stop before it became to hard to handle. I'm proud of you." Blood rushes to my cheeks, painting them pink and I hide my face by looking down. Before long, Draco puts his long, slim finger under my chin, lifting it slowly and he says, gently. "Kitten, never hide that beautiful face from me. I can't live without it." Blushing more, I gently rest my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes to rest them and I receive the gentle noise of Draco breathing, matched with his angelic voice.

After some time, Draco taps me on the shoulder, awakening me from my blissful nap and I look up at him, confused with a hint of annoyance. "Baby, It's time to go, breakfast has ended." He announces whilst standing up, lifting me up in the process and he leads me off to Potions, where we have Professor Slughorn and we begin to make a potion together. Mindlessly flickering through the book, I spot a spell: Sectumsempra, a spell for your worst enemies, only. I gulp, wondering what it does and I say, a bit too loud, to Draco. "What does sectumsempra do?" He looks in the book, recognising the handwriting and he shrugs. "I don't know, baby. But it sounds dangerous." Pouting, I think nothing else, except what that spell could do. Eventually, Draco finishes the potion for us and once everyone is done, Slughorn dismisses the class. D.A.D.A is next and I walk at a snail's pace, forcing Draco to pull me along. "I don't like, daddy." I pout with puppy eyes, to try and sway Draco to letting me not go. He had other plans though so he doesn't stop and he calls out. "I want to have the ability to easily defend yourself against powerful people."

We reach the classroom and we're a minute late. Snape shouts like clockwork. "Harry Potter! 30 points from Gryffindor, 10 for being late, 20 for making Draco late." hearing the loud voice makes me flinch and look down, mumbling. "Sorry, Sir." Draco, growls softly and I look up to see him angered and ready to attack. putting my hand on his chest to calm him down, I say, quietly so only he can hear. "Daddy, calm down." His breathing slows down to a normal and he sits down, pushing the random person next to him out of the seat, allowing me to sit down. "Sorry, he's a bit angry." I apologise to the random person and they find a new seat. Not really listening to Snape my mind goes back to the traumatic events of Snape 'training' me to control my emotions and to shield my thoughts from Voldemort. Panicking, Draco notices a change in my mental health and he places his hand on my thigh, saying sweet nothings into my ear, trying to calm me down before I faint.

After D.A.D.A., Draco had questions and leads me into the nearest bathroom, asking. "What was that? Why did you get all panicky when Uncle Sev was teaching?" Reluctantly, I tell him. "Last year, I got trained in occlumency and I was shit at it. Every time Snape tried, he easily read my deepest thoughts and I'm not surprised that he didn't say fuck all about my past." Draco growls softly hearing about this. How dare Sev fucking read his mind and see all that pain and torture and do nothing about it. Draco says softly. "I'll be right back, Kitten."

Draco's P.O.V.

Walking out the bathroom, I go to Sev's classroom and I look at him, angered. "What the fuck?! You saw what happened to him and you didn't do shit, you fucking cunt." Snape glares at me and he speaks up. "Is this about Potter? Cause if it is, you must be out of your mind. Dumbledore told me to teach him occlumency and he specifically said for me to report to him about what I saw." He finishes rolling his eyes and I still get angry. "He's my mate, so if you try that shit on him again, I'm coming after you." Reluctantly, swallowing his pride, Snape nods. Leaving hastily, I go back to Harry and he's resting against a sink. God, he is beautiful. "Hey, Kitten." I call out to him, grabbing his attention and he smiles instantly. "Daddy!" He runs up to me and hugs me. "Did you miss me?" He nods whilst having his face buried into my chest. Rubbing his back softly, he looks up at me and I get blessed with the sight of his euphoric emerald eyes, making me smile like every other time I see them. "Daddy, when is our next quidditch match?" Kissing his forehead, i answer his question. "In 3 days, Kitten. We are playing against each other." His smile grows larger and he says, happily. "Don't go easy on me, Daddy. But no using your inherited powers to cheat." not really bothered by that command, I playfully whine, making Harry release that heavenly giggle.

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