Chapter Four: The False Maid

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Third Person Omniscient

As Izuku, Shinso, Katsuki, Kaminari, and Kirishima make their way to the open space of Katsuki's gym, Shinso starts to feel dread pooling it's way into his stomach. As much as he had longed to meet one of his favorite judoka fighters, Shinso knew that he was inferior in every shape and form to Midoriya. He couldn't understand why the proposition of the two fighting had not only been brought up but accepted.

Izuku, on the other hand, could not have been happier. Not only was he able to avoid having to appear on camera for Kirishima, but he was also able to compete against someone. The familiar feeling of adrenaline surged through the male's veins.

Kaminari kisses Shinso on the cheek and winks at him. "You've got this, babe!" He salutes, as the purple-haired male walks onto the makeshift match area.

Bakugou watches at Izuku for a moment, the guy had a wild grin on his face, as if simply being able to compete was as good as winning, and shakes his head, turning to his boyfriend. "Look at the smirk of Midoriya's face." He points at the younger male. "Stupid nerd."

Eijiro chuckles softly, but his face quickly turns solemn. "If competing in Judo makes him so happy, why on Earth did he quit?"

Bakugou shrugs. "Probably chickened out."

"Says the guy who got his ass kicked just a few days ago."

Bakugou glares at Kirishima. "Shut the fuck up, asshole!"

The redhead just grins and is about to say what Katsuki was sure was a snide remark when Kaminari shushes them. "Hush! That's my boyfriend fighting, ya know!"

"Katsuki, were we that cute when we were first dating?" Kirishima asks, wrapping an arm around the taller male's shoulder.

The blonde scoffs. "Fuck yeah, we were."

"1... 2... 3... Start!" Kaminari shouts, and from then on, none of the three males took their eyes off of Izuku and Shinso.

As soon as it began, Izuku could tell what Shinso was doing. He was luring the male out, so Izuku would have to make the first move. The male hated to make the first move.

Fine then. With lightning-fast speed, Izuku reaches out for the male's shirt, but Hitoshi had expected that and latched on to the greenette's arm. Shinso drags Izuku closer, grabs his wrists, and forces him to the ground, attempting to pin him to the mat.

Holy shit, am I about to beat Midoriya Izuku? Against his will, the sleep-deprived male's hopes skyrocketed; until he saw Izuku's face.

"You're fast, Shinso!" Izuku exclaims as if they weren't in the middle of a match. "But, you should pay more attention to your opponent."

Shinso's eyes dilate as he realizes what the male had done. Midoriya's legs were wrapped around his middle, and in barely a second, Izuku used his limbs to push Hitoshi onto his back, and then locked the taller male to the floor, until thirty seconds had passed.

Then, the ruthless male stood up, brushed off his hands, and grinned at Shinso, the corners of his eyes crinkling. "Let's do it again sometime!"

Hitoshi gaped at the male as he realized that not only had Izuku fooled him towards the end of the match, he had let Shinso pin him, or at the very least anticipated it. There was no other way for Midoriya to have wrapped his limbs around Shinso's torso so efficiently.

But that would mean... His thoughts slowed, and as he got up, Shinso ran a hand through his scalp.

Katsuki replayed the match in his mind like a broken record and came to a similar conclusion that Shinso had just reached. A conclusion that could be broken down into two distinct details. One: The match couldn't have been more than six seconds, meaning the greenette had to have mostly predicted how his opponent was going to attack before it had even started. Two: Midoriya, in a way, taunted Shinso throughout the whole fight. Not only did he tell Shinso to 'pay more attention to his opponent,' but he also let Hitoshi feel as though he was winning, before defeating him. Bakugou didn't understand any of it; he didn't believe Midoriya was intentionally being malicious but wasn't sure what Midoriya was intentionally doing.

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