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Two Years Later~

"Guys... I don't know how I feel about this," Midoriya worries from the closet, refusing to leave the room.

"I'm sure it looks great, Izu!" Eijiro reassures from the bedroom, currently sitting on Katsuki's lap, his arms wrapped around the blonde's neck, utterly immune to his glares.

"But, it looks weird..." Izuku whines.

"We've been together for two years now, I doubt we'd break up with you just because you look weird." Bakugou tries to lean back onto the mattress, but Eijiro refuses to budge.

"Gee, thanks," Izuku mumbles, messing with his outfit, still not moving to open the door.

"Let's at least try and play nice today," Eijiro flicks Katsuki's forehead, at the blonde's scowl.

"I would like to say that Kat started it," Izuku glances at the mirror one more time, before resting his hand on the curved doorknob.

"Like hell, I-" Katsuki's words halt as Izuku comes through the doorway, his face red.

Izuku smooths out the ruffles of the lustrous maid outfit, pushing down the skirt vigorously. "I look stupid, don't I?!" The greenette demands, misreading Eijiro's and Katsuki's open-mouthed faces. "I'll go change, sorry you guys wasted your money-"

Eijiro and Katsuki grab the greenette's wrist, flawlessly in sync. They felt like two teenage boys again, entirely entranced by the male in front of them, the black bow that rested just above Midoriya's arse, practically begging to be untied.

"Don't move," They both say.


"Huh," Kaminari says, Shinso coming up from behind him as Eri holds onto the sleep-deprived finger. A habit that stuck despite the girl being tall enough to hold Hitoshi's hand.

"I guess we just be grateful they still have clothes on, right?" Shinso doubtfully mutters.

"Well, Midoriya's wearing either Eijiro's or Katsuki's shirt, but who knows about those two? We're just lucky they're covered by a blanket." Kaminari notes, observing the scattered arrangement of clothing on the carpeted ground, trying not to spend too much time on the maid uniform at the front of the bed.

"I don't understand what's happening. Can I wake up, Zu, now?" Eri whines, Izuku promised that they could go to the park this morning, which was really the only thing she cared about.

"I don't think that's a good idea," Shinso turns on his heel, gesturing for Eri to follow him.

"But, I want to see Zu!" Eri commands, stomping her foot, and giving Shinso the same glare she had learned from Aizawa.

"We'll see him tomorrow for his big debut match anyway." Shinso dismisses, slightly annoyed. He was the one who had been having to drive Eri everywhere, yet the girl only seemed to care about Midoriya. "Coming, babe?"

Denki smirks. "You go on ahead, I'd be a fool not to take a few blackmail photos." He points at the three males. Midoriya was currently spooning Eijiro. Bakugou had his arm over all of them, the ordinarily enraged male seeming oddly content.

Hitoshi sighs. "You're a child."


Midoriya's blood pulsed through his veins. Two months ago, he had told Katsuki and Eijiro he was ready to compete again. Yet, now, as he pulled the sleeve of his judogi onto his arm, his stomach twisted. He hadn't wanted to admit it, but the reason why he chose to compete in this year's season was that it had been reported Shigaraki was taking a gap year to recover from last year's loss against Todoroki Touya, Shoto's older brother.

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