Chapter Fifteen: Tunnels and Photos

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Kirishima, sleep-deprived and more than a little hungry slumps in front of the bathroom's mirror, giving his toothbrush a generous amount of Colgate before stuffing it in his mouth.

Midoriya hadn't let Kirishima or Bakugou know he had gotten home safely until three AM, and neither of the males had been able to sleep until they knew for sure. So when they finally got the text from him, they were more than a little inclined to strangle the greenette.

"Did you fucking see the headlines?!" Bakugou barges into the bathroom, wearing a set of low-slung underwear, his hair is a disaster, completely demolishing Kirishima's attempt to wake up peacefully.

"Wad they tay?" Eijiro fumbles out, battling his toothbrush. The redhead was pretty sure it had something to do with last night and didn't even want to begin to guess what the journalists were saying.

"'Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki's and Internet Sensation, Kirishima Eijiro's Boyfriend Collapses From a Drug Overdose at Last Night's Movie Premiere,'" Bakugou read off from his smartphone, with a strained sort of calm, before staring at his boyfriend, fuming. "Why the fuck do I deal with this bullshit?!"

Kirishima turns the handle on the sink, water pouring from the faucet, washes out his mouth, before dying off his face, completely unfazed. "Contact Tokoyami and have him take care of it. This isn't out of the ordinary, as long as we handle it correctly, Midoriya will be fine."

Bakugou's expression relaxes ever so slightly, but when he glances back down at his phone, his face becomes intense all over again. "Look at this one! 'Midoriya Izuku and His Three Suitors: Kirishima Eijiro, Bakugou Katsuki, and Todoroki Shoto.' Who the fuck is Todoroki Shoto, and why the dumbass even in the same sentence as us?!"

Kirishima yawns, eyelids heavy. He wasn't too concerned about Shoto. He could tell that Izuku and him had no chemistry together. "Todoroki is Midoriya's friend, remember?

Bakugou clenches his device hard enough for the prospect of it shattering to not be out of the ballpark. "Who's to say that Todoroki isn't courting the dumbass?! Even his name sounds shady as hell!"

Eijiro raises an eyebrow, amused. "I mean, he might be, he wasn't too happy that Midoriya was working for us," Kirishima notes, omitting that Todoroki was only upset about it because he liked doing matches with Izuku. The YouTuber could blame his teasings on being tired and hungry, but really, Eijiro just enjoyed messing with Katsuki.

Eijiro loved Bakugou more than anything on this Earth, but his boyfriend was oblivious as hell, so Eijiro often figured out the blonde's emotions way before Bakugou did.

Katsuki scoffs, turning on his heel. "Like I give a shit."

Eijiro follows him into the kitchen, trying not to wince as Bakugou slams the cabinets, glad that they were no longer nineteen and living in an apartment.

"Katsuki, just admit it, you like him, don't you?" Eijiro pries, leaning against the marbled counter across from the male.

Katsuki freezes, the poor mug in his hand nearly being strangled. He didn't know how he felt about Midoriya, or he did, but he wasn't ready to think about it. He ignores Kirishima, resolving not to speak after a few seconds of thick silence.

Eijiro comes up to him, slowly wrapping his tan arms around Bakugou's middle, giving enough time for Bakugou to move from his grasp. Eijiro breathed in the scent of Bakugou's cologne, the smell faded but even present.

"Just admit it," he repeats, whispering in the blonde's ear.

Bakugou turns his neck feeling like a child. "Yeah, I do, it's not a big deal."

✧ 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚒𝚏𝚏𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚢𝚙𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐. ✧Where stories live. Discover now