Chapter Seven: The Sunlight That Hit Just Right

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Third Person Omniscient

"Babe! Please, tell me you didn't use all the hot water." Kirishima begs, his collab with Present Mic was today, and the male was panicking.

Bakugou rubs a towel against his head and rolls his eyes. "Please, I'm not you, and in case you forgot, we have two other showers with separate water heaters that work just fine."

Kirishima scoffs as if the blonde was stupid. "I don't like the other two, this is the best one, and since you won't let me shower with you anymore, we've had to resort to this every goddamn morning."

Bakugou flings the towel at Eijiro's face. "If you didn't hog the water, I wouldn't refuse." He plants a soft kiss on the top of Kirishima's head and walks out.

"Whatever," Eijiro grumbles to himself and shuts the bathroom door behind him.

The truth was, he eschewed showering alone because it gave him way too much time to think. The redhead reaches over and turns the shower-head on, and extends his hand to test the temperature.

Like far too much time.

The YouTuber undresses, he really should be contemplating about Present Mic, but his mind kept flipping back to Bakugou's face last night when he had woken up. Eijiro had never seen him look so terrified. Granted, Katsuki had had nightmares before, but this was the first time Kirishima had fully seen his expression after one.

A pang of guilt, one that had been eating him up for three months, floods in.

A few days before Katsuki was attacked, the two of them had fought. It was a stupid argument, and Kirishima had forgotten what it was about the minute he had heard Bakugou was in the hospital. Still, it had been enough for Eijiro to decide not to go to America with him, and he couldn't help but feel that nothing like this would have happened if he had. His boyfriend wouldn't flinch when he suddenly touched him, Katsuki wouldn't stare down at his torso, as if expecting the word that had been written there to reappear.

Kirishima shakes his head vigorously and gets into the shower, steaming water flowing over his face.

And Izuku was another conundrum he couldn't figure out. At first glance, he seems like a prodigy who just isn't skilled in social situations and had the unfavorable habit of being far too honest, but there was more to him than that. When he sparred with Shinso, his face was one of pure joy, which leaves the question of why he stopped being a Judoka. Then, his friend- Todoroki seemed enraged that he had left, which means Midoriya's decision was not a popular one.

Eijiro squeezes a hefty amount of shampoo into his hands, roughly scrubbing it into his hair.

Midoriya was secretive, blunt, and frankly an odd individual. But he was also hilarious, kind, handsome, and a badass at Judo.

Kirishima shuts his eyelids tightly as soap seeps into his eyes.

The greenette fascinated him, but he always felt like Izuku somewhere transcendental, and that he didn't want to be found by anyone.

Eijiro groans, either from the suds that were burning his pupils or from the morass that was his life.

He hadn't spent this much time thinking about someone in a long while, and he couldn't remember if he'd ever had more of an urge to touch someone's hair before.

Dammit, Eijiro! You need to be thinking about Present Mic! Get it together!


Midoriya taps his foot impatiently, his lips set in a firm line. "Uraraka! Hurry up! I don't want to waste my day off waiting on you to get your hair done, plus you don't want to be late for Tsu, do you?"

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