Chapter Eight: The Reevaluation

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Third Person Omniscient

"I say we all go to the beach!" Kirishima declares, drying off his hands and leaving the kitchen to join Midoriya and Bakugou in the living room.

"And why the hell would we want to do that?" Bakugou necessitates, not looking up from his laptop.

"Yeah, I second that, why would we want to do that?" Izuku asks, confused.

"Because it'll be fun, and we all don't have to work today!" Kirishima sits on the ottoman.

Midoriya contemplates mentioning the fact that he was technically working at the moment but decided against it. However, there was no way in hell he'd be going to the beach.

"I think I'll have to pass on that," Izuku states.

"Another wonderful reason why we should go is to celebrate how well my collab went with Present Mic," Eijiro casually comments.

Midoriya, being the stupidly empathetic person he was, almost broke at that, but Bakugou interjects.

"How is miles of sand, saltwater, and human waste a way to celebrate?"

Eijiro sighs. "You two are no fun, besides there's also fishies! Fishes are cool, right, Midoriya?"

Fish were most definitely not cool in Midoriya's eyes. He once went to a lake, and the fish there nibbled on his legs like carnivorous monstrosities, nevermind the fact that he was almost always stung by jellyfish. But, Izuku comes up with something better to say.

"I don't have a swimsuit on me."

Kirishima's expression falls for a millisecond, and for a moment, he believes Midoriya's won, but then he considers the fact that they could always stop by the greenette's apartment, grab what he needed and see where Izuku lived, in the same blow. "You don't live too far from here, do you? We can just stop by your apartment."

Bakugou growls and shuts his laptop, setting it aside. "You're not going to let this up, are you?"

Eijiro winks and smiles. "You better believe it."

Midoriya doesn't have to hear Bakugou grumble a sour 'fine' to know he was doomed.


"You know, we really don't have to stop by my apartment. I can always just stay a nice, good distance from the ocean, and it'll be fine-"

"Nope, we're stopping by!" Kirishima affirms, trying his hardest to hide his smirk. "Now, is it a left or right from here?"

"A left," Midoriya mumbles, already feeling squeamish. He wasn't a fan of having people over, especially when he has a best friend who loves to hang any and all pictures, no matter how embarrassing. Uraraka claims Midoriya was the cutest kid ever, and Midoriya was only able to keep her from hanging a few of them. Meaning, he was about to be humiliated. Maybe, he could get them to stay in the car.

Kirishima drums his fingers on the steering wheel as Bakugou looks at the window in the passenger seat, indifferently. He didn't hate the ocean, but he could think of a million things he'd rather be doing today.

"It's that building to the right of you." Midoriya points at a uniform light gray infrastructure, stomach tense.

Eijiro turns in, parking at the nearest open space.

Izuku unbuckles from his seat. "I can just go in; you two can wait here."

"We'll go with you," Bakugou states, already knowing that Eijiro was dying to see, and not wanting to hear him whine about it.

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