Chapter Nine: I Can't Do It

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Third Person Omniscient

"Ura, I'm dying..." Izuku whines, stuffing his face into his pillow.

"Die later. It's your turn to do the dishes." Ochaco commands, standing in the entrance of the male's barren room.

"But dying takes a long time, and if I start now, then I'll die by the time you're on your next flight, meaning alibi is secured!" Midoriya grumbles.

"What are you even saying?" Uraraka asks, wondering if there would ever be a time when she would have a normal conversation with the greenette.

Midoriya stares at his best friend, with a look that translated to, 'are you stupid?' Before shaking his head. "I don't even understand how we have dishes, you're always gone, and Kacchan and Kirishima have me eat at their place."

"I'm not always gone."

"Really? Were you not just about to tell me you're heading over to Tsu's?" Midoriya winks, holding his pillow up to his chest, his hair falling over his viridescent eyes.

It wasn't untrue that Uraraka was either at Tsu's or across the globe lately, which made it a lot easier for Midoriya to get to Bakugou's on time. Still, nevertheless, he begrudgingly missed his friend.

"Actually, I wasn't. I was here to tell you that your phone was ringing." Ochaco snaps, arms crossed.

"I'm guessing you weren't kind enough to grab it for me?" Izuku groans, stretching his arms.

"It's noon, you should be up by now." Uraraka grits out, trying to conceal her worry, Izuku only slept in when something was bothering him, and he was trying to eschew it.

"Yeah, yeah, I know," the Judoka waves her off, standing up and rubbing his eyes, his shorts disappearing under his oversized T-Shirt.

Ochaco gives the male one more worried look before winking at him. "I'm going to Tsu's now. Bye."

"You liar!" Izuku yells as she exits the apartment, jutting out his lower lip.

He lets out an audible sigh and contemplates falling back into bed, but thinks better of it. Better not to fall back into poor habits again. Midoriya pads through the hallway, his mind on several different things.

Izuku searches through their worn couch, lifting up the cushions until he finds his cell. Turning it on with a single swipe, Midoriya goes straight to the notifications. He had three new messages from Todoroki, one from Mina, who had insisted upon exchanging numbers yesterday, and a missed call from Kirishima.

Midoriya was pretty sure he had never had that many alerts in his life and tried not to be depressed by it. He clicks on Mina's first, her's feeling the safest.

'Hey Izu! I've officially decided that, until further notice, you should consult me on any love revelations you may have!'

Midoriya furrows his brow, 'love revelations?'

He had no idea what she meant by that, but knowing Ashido, it was probably something he'd never understand anyway. Deciding that since he was already confused, he might as well read Shoto's as well, and clicks on the messages.

'Hey, Midoriya.'

'Were you aware that Judo increases self-confidence?'

'It's a shame you won't be continuing; you were starting to be quite self-assured.'

Izuku sends a simple, beautiful, middle finger emoticon, and then clicks off of messages. He bites his inner cheek, trying to decipher why Eijiro would have called him when Katsuki had told him yesterday he didn't have to work on Tuesday. His mind was instantaneously thinking of worst-case scenarios, none of which were even slightly realistic.

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