Chapter Six: The Feeling of Touch

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Third Person Omniscient

"Oi! Nerd, catch!" Midoriya, who had been fiddling with Mina's makeup brushes, startles, scrambling to grab the flying object, barely succeeding. "What is this?"

Izuku had been a bodyguard for Bakugou for eight days now, which, according to Kirishima, was 'a fucking miraculous turn of events.' Midoriya wasn't sure what that meant, but as he stared down at the brass object in his hand, that very sentence echoed in his mind.

"It's a key to our house, dumbass." Bakugou grumbles as Mina tampers with his hair. Iida promised that Bakugou was actually going to shoot today, but looked disappointed when he had said it, so Midoriya wasn't so sure.

"Someone's embarrassed." Mina whispers under her breath, but the phrase was loud enough for both Katsuki and Izuku to hear.

"Like hell, I am!" Bakugou shouts, and Mina's casual expression quickly turns angry.

"Don't move when I'm doing your hair!"

Midoriya, who had grown used to being perplexed by Ashido, ignores the comment. "Hey Ashido, I thought you were a makeup artist, why do you always do his hair?"

Mina looks up, startled by the question. "Normally, Jiro does it, since she's certified and all, but Kaminari convinced her to vacation with him and Shinso, and little miss princess won't let anyone else touch his hair."

Is everyone connected to one another in some way, shape, or form here? Midoriya wonders.

"How long has Shinso been doing Judo?" Izuku asks, curious.

Mina shrugs. "I'm not really sure. Aren't you some Judo master or something?"

"Not reall-"

"He kicked Monoma's ass the other day." Bakugou intrudes.

"No way! Please tell me you got that on camera!" Mina squeals, suddenly euphoric.

"I didn't, but it was fucking awesome," Katsuki answers, "he beat Shinso too."

The greenette pretended not to notice the eschewing of when Midoriya had kicked Katsuki's ass.

Mina looks over at the Judoka, with a look of shock. "I knew you did, Judo, but you're... such a small bean!"

Izuku wonders whether or not he should be offended. "I did, you know, go to The Olympics, so I would hope I'd be at least slightly decent at what I do." He mumbles, fiddling with Katsuki's house key.

Bakugou glances at Midoriya. "You went to The Olympics?"

Izuku facepalms. "Yes, I did- Do you not listen to anything I say? I told you that on the first day I started working for you."

Katsuki racks his brain, trying to remember and comes up with nothing. He had known that Midoriya was talented with Judo, but to have gone to The Olympics was a whole other level. Suddenly, Shinso assuring everyone that he was going to lose, and his surety that he was no match for Midoriya made more sense.

"So, you just decided to beat up Shinso for fun, then." Bakugou resolves, shaking his head. "I never knew you were such an asshole."

Izuku's eyes widen. "I-It wasn't like that! I just really wanted to spa-"

Mina breaks out laughing, grabbing her abdomen, and the bodyguard stupidly realizes that they were joking.

Before any of the three people in the room can speak, Iida bursts into the room. "Ashido! You were supposed to have Bakugou ready five minutes ago! What's the hold-up?!"

✧ 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚒𝚏𝚏𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚢𝚙𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐. ✧Where stories live. Discover now