Chapter Five: The Clothing Selection

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Third Person Omniscient

Izuku releases Monoma as gently as possible, quickly realizing what he had just done. Dammit, Izuku, you're away from people who do Judo for a few months, and you attack a civilian! Good going!

"S-sorry!" Izuku stutters out, dread pooling it's way into his system. "I got ahead of myself!"

Monoma straightens his shirt, the last look of bewilderment leaving his features and being replaced with adulterated rage. "You fucking psycho!" He turns to Bakugou, who wore a satisfied smirk on his face, "I hope you have your lawyer ready because I'm pressing charges!"

Bakugou's grin widens. "And I'll be sure to tell them all about how you were about to grab Midoriya and the measures that he had to take to get him off of you."

Neito tightens his fists, his face growing redder by the moment, but the blonde doesn't say a word, and simply stomps off. Leaving a panicked Izuku and an unnaturally happy actor.

"Y-you don't really think he's going to press charges, do you?" Midoriya peers at Bakugou, eyes wide with concern.

Katsuki rolls his eyes. "Doubt it. His pride's too fragile to risk losing the case. Besides, he lost his manager, and everyone knows he's useless without Kendo."

"Oh," Izuku mumbles, instantly relieved. "So, what exactly are we going to be doing today?"

Katsuki looks around, clearly trying to find someone. Eventually, his eyes lock on a male who was aggressively karate-chopping the air and ordering people around. Without a single explanation, Bakugou begins to walk towards the man, a look of determination evident on his face.

"Oi! Four Eyes! Where do you want me?" Bakugou shouts, and Midoriya gapes at his rudeness.

The male stops speaking with a petite woman and turns to us, annoyance lining his features. "I've told you multiple times now, to stop calling me Four Eyes, I'm the second assistant director, and therefore outrank you." He grits out, gripping his moleskin notebook.

Bakugou just crosses his arms and looks at the taller man expectantly.

The poor assistant runs a shaky hand through his dark blue hair, and Midoriya begins to wonder if he's usually wound this tight or not, with a single huff of air, the man flips through the pages of his journal and looks up. "Meet with your makeup artist, then go to your trailer, sign the contracts I put there, and come back here. We've had some lighting malfunctions, so I'm not sure if you'll be on set today, but I want you ready."

Izuku internally prepares himself for the blonde to complain about having to get ready despite not being able to shoot, but the actor simply nods and strolls away, seemingly forgetting that Midoriya was there.

Izuku is about to follow his boss, but stops, feeling the need to apologize on Bakugou's behalf, he bows his head slightly. "I'm extremely sorry; I think he's just having a bad day." More like a bad week, the judoka sourly thinks but is smart enough not to say.

The blue-haired man scoffs. "Please, he's always like that," he narrows his eyes. "Just who are you, anyway?"

"Oh, sorry!" Midoriya mentally scolds himself for not having introduced himself, Kacchan must be rubbing off of him. "My name is Midoriya Izuku; I am acting as Bakugou Katsuki's bodyguard until further notice."

The man makes an odd tutting noise with his tongue, his eyes full of something similar to judgment. "I suggested he getting a bodyguard months ago, and he declined. It's good that he came to his senses, I suppose." He sighs. "My name is Iida Tenya; if you need anything, please let me know."

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