Chapter Twelve: The Things We Ignore

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Third Person Omniscient

"You know... If you and Kiri like him, you can always tell me," Mina hums, flipping out her contour palette, a devious smirk on her face. Jiro had stepped out to do Eijiro's hair, giving Ashido the perfect opportunity to harass her friend.

Bakugou scowls, sinking into the cushioned seat, like an embarrassed child. "Like I would like that fucking nerd. He's my bodyguard, nothing more."

Mina raises an eyebrow. "I was talking about Sero since we're riding with him to the event and all, but if you insist upon Midoriya," the pinkette trails off, "I won't complain."

Katsuki bites his tongue hard; he knew what his friend was doing; he had known her for too long to take the bait every time. He still latched on to it occasionally, though. "Whatever, fuck off."

Ashido flips out her middle finger. The question isn't whether or not Katsuki liked Midoriya, that much was obvious. The problem was, would he do anything with it? The issue with having three stubborn males who had feelings for one another was none of them would admit it. Ever.

"Seriously, though," Mina brushes powder under the male's angled cheekbones. "Suck it up and tell him already, no one wants a Stephen King length novel on your love life."

Bakugou was getting more ticked off by the moment, Ashido never did speak in an elusive manner, but even she had to know that she was crossing lines left and right. Katsuki keeps his mouth shut until a metallic tang floods into his mouth. "Shut the fuck up!"

"Bakubabe..." Mina murmurs, unfazed, "please explain to me why you wouldn't tell the guy protecting your wellbeing your history with previous assailants, I'd love to hear your explanation."

Katsuki picks at his fingernail like a scolded child, secretly hoping that Ashido had kept her mouth shut and that Midoriya was still ignorant. "It's not any of his fucking business; he had plenty of his secrets himself. He practically melted to the ground when Kirishima played a video of one of his matches."

Most people would have focused on Bakugou's offending remark, but Mina knew precisely what the dumbass was trying to do. He was like the girl at school who would enter the classroom with their mother's tawdry jewelry; at first glance, it was boujee as hell, but at the next, the gold was revealed to be false the pearls plastic. "So, you admit you have issues, then?"

Bakugou tightens his grip on the armchair Eijiro had picked up from a Black Friday sale. "My point is, I don't owe him an explanation. What do you want me to say? Oh Midoriya, just thought you should know that I went to America, was weak enough to be attacked and beaten into a pulp, and now can't go anywhere on my own?!" Bakugou scowls, his ivory teeth flashing. "If that doesn't send him running, I don't know what the fuck will."

Ashido forces herself not to give her friend a look of pity. Kirishima never talked to her about how Katsuki was doing. He avoided it at every turn when she asked, so eventually, she stopped questioning altogether. She should have read the situation better.

Mina bends down and playfully taps Bakugou's nose with her brush. "Nothing that happened was your fault. Ever." Ashido's eyes soften, "you're not a deity; most people would fail in a situation like that."

Midoriya wouldn't, he would've kicked the guy's ass, the childish thought rang and Bakugou's mind, before the actor had a chance to push it away.

Katsuki doesn't respond for several moments, mulling his contrition over. "Fine, I'll talk to him, not tonight, though."

Ashido stands up and winks. "You better."


This one was even more vacant than the last, aside from a collapsible table in the corner, there wasn't anything in between the blue-tinted walls. Izuku wasn't entirely sure why he had to hold all the products in his arms, his only guess was that they would fall over on the white carpeting, but he was too afraid of Jiro to inquire about it.

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