Chapter Three: The Effect of Spectacles

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Third Omniscient

"C'mon, just admit it, I totally kicked your ass at Mario Cart!" Kirishima, who was currently resting his head on Bakugou's lap and glancing up at the blonde.

Katsuki tightens his fist on his console and glares down at his boyfriend. "Then, we'll just have to play again, won't we?"

Eijiro groans, Bakugou had made him play so many rounds that his head was beginning to whirl. "How about I order us pizza instead?"

Katsuki bites his lip, considering this, and amending that pizza was superior to winning. "Fine, asshole."

Eijiro let out a breath, clearly relieved, and sat up, grabbing his laptop resting on the coffee table. "So... how do you like Midoriya so far?"

Katsuki rolls his eyes, while he did admit that the younger male had surprised him multiple times while being here, he was much indifferent to Midoriya. Katsuki shrugs. "He's fine. Still getting rid of him after a week, though."

Eijiro clicks his tongue in disapproval. "I do remember you promising me to give him a chance before even weighing the prospect of firing him."

Eijiro fights the urge to laugh when he sees the frustrated look on Bakugou's face that always befell when the male was openly called out.

"Tch. Whatever." Bakugou grumbles, pulling out his phone as Ejiro finishes ordering their pies.

"Just fess up. You're at least slightly intrigued by him, are you not?"

Katsuki doesn't respond and pretends to be enveloped by his phone, which was petty as shit, but he didn't heed.

Eijiro lets out a breathy laugh. "Well, I am. He's a badass, I mean he took you out in a few seconds. I wonder how Monoma would do against him."

At the mention of Katsuki's coworker, the blonde's mouth immediately contorts into a grimace. "Don't even say that asshole's name."

Eijiro sighs. "So, I can't talk about Kaminari, Sero, Iida, or Monoma," he shakes his head. "I swear, is there a single actor you don't hate?"

"The dead ones."

Kirishima gasps dramatically. "How rude!"

Bakugou just flips him off with his free hand, not even looking up from his phone.

Eijiro grins and kisses Katsuki on the cheek. "Love ya, babe."

Katsuki feels his face warm-up, he didn't like he'd ever get used to the phrase, and was slightly grateful the redhead never required him to say it back every time.

"Tch, whatever."

The Following Day, At Midoriya and Uraraka's Apartment_____

"Uraraka! I'm heading out!" Izuku calls, bending down to grab his yellow bag.

Uraraka peers at the bathroom, shutting off her hairdryer and setting it down before coming out and shaking her head in disapproval. "You're going to leave with your hair looking like you just rolled out of bed?"

"I did just roll out of bed!" Izuku exclaims. Note to Izuku's Future Self: If you slam your alarm clock to the ground and break it, it will probably not be going off the next morning.

Uraraka stomps over to him and grabs Izuku's ear, drawing him to the bathroom.

"Ow! Ochaco, what the hell!?"

Uraraka ignores Izuku's pleas to let go of him, knowing that it was her responsibility as the only friend of Midoriya's that had any sense whatsoever, to guide him when it came to fashion. Besides, the greenette had helped her understand and come to terms with her sexuality; it was only fair that Ochaco helped him as much as she was able.

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