Chapter Ten: What Are You Doing Here?

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Third Person Omniscient

Izuku leaned against the bathroom sink's marbled counter; he had just rinsed his face with icy water but couldn't get himself to grab the hanging hand towel and dry off, causing droplets of water to make their way down his neck and onto his shirt. Not that it mattered, he had more important things to worry about.

Midoriya's breathing becomes ragged as he thinks about how he ran away from Uraraka and Kiri's embrace. How would he even be able to explain his breakdown over a simple video? He should've known what match it was from the title, and yet all it took was seeing his face for Izuku to revert to where he was a few months ago. It wasn't until Izuku opened his eyes that he realized that he had broken the skin of his palms by digging his uneven fingernails into his hands.

His face flashes in the Judoka's mind once again, the image of him vivid, his grin making Izuku's chest tight. I-I need to do something, but I don't know wha-

"Hey! Are you okay, Midoriya? I'm super sorry; I should've..." Kirishima trails off, his voice soft as he knocks on the other side of the wooden door.

Izuku quickly grabs the towel and dries off his damp face, before sucking in a breath and opening the door, forcing his expression to mold into a sheepish grin. He hides his surprise at seeing Bakugou standing behind the redhead. Midoriya didn't think Katsuki would care, to be honest.

"Sorry, about that," Izuku puts his right hand on his neck, "seeing myself on screen and all was kind of nerve-racking."

"Bullshit," Bakugou mutters, but Kirishima elbows him in the stomach, concealing the blonde's words to Midoriya.

Izuku furrows his brow but doesn't say anything about Eijiro's actions. "Well, Uraraka mentioned us doing something tonight, so I should probably go." He pushes past the two, his motions awkward.

"Wait, nerd." Bakugou grunts, stopping the greenette's pursuit to the exit.

There's a stretched out silence before Katsuki speaks. "The premiere for my movie is tomorrow, Mina will be picking out your clothes and shit, but make sure to be on time."

Midoriya gives his boss a fake salute. "Got it," he states, before walking out.

Eijiro turns to his boyfriend. "He's totally lying."

Bakugou nods. "No, shit."

Midoriya steps off the front porch, pulling out the car keys from his pocket and walks to the driver's side of his car, but freezes, clamping a hand over his mouth to keep from screaming. What the fuck?!

Todoroki Shoto was crouched low beside the car staring at him.

"Todoroki!? What are you doing here?!" Izuku whisper-shouts, becoming increasingly worried.

Shoto stands up, his hands in his pockets. "Good. I was hoping I wouldn't have to wait long." He strolls to the other side of the car and gestures for Midoriya to unlock the vehicle for him.

"I..." Incoherent sounds come from Midoriya, shock still present. "What are you doing here?!" He repeats.

"Uraraka called me and sent me the address for here, said this is where you'd probably be." He comments, his voice sounding bored. "Can you unlock the car now?"

Izuku looks around hurriedly. "Where's your car?"

The scarred male shrugs. "I walked."

Midoriya eyes him suspiciously. "Your house isn't anywhere near here."

Todoroki shrugs once more. "Never said I walked from there."

Izuku looks at the sky as if begging the clouds for answers, and then lets out a long sigh, and unlocks the car, sliding into the nylon seat, as Shoto does the same.

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