008: Reset

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A pair of dark obsidian eyes that could make your legs tremble and a familiar suffocating aura that makes anyone who feels it weaken.

He couldn't be mistaken.

He accidentally enters the De La Vallier Dukedom!

And the one in front of him is his former rival...Kaizer Restall De la Vallier Karsten!

Sitting on the floor in a dazed, Eugene's heart started to beat fast and the blood in him started to rush. 

Nonstop thumps resound in his head and a crashing noise broke out making his eyes widen.

All of sudden, he was paralyzed, as if the adult Kaizer is currently holding his neck, whispering something cruel as if telling his beloved something... one of the romantic love words.


As if being dragged and chained in the darkness...Eugene close his eyes and started another incantation, hoping of going back to the Shradinza Household.


Light burst out and Kaizer use his arms to block his eyes.

Knowing that the boy used teleportation and was probably not proficient in magic reduces his doubt. Kaizer knew at just a glance that the boy is not from some organization or group because the boy is wearing expensive clothes, though he didn't see the embroidery in full view he knew that the clothes had a crest which made him part of the nobility.

Unfortunately, the boy seems frightened.


The door swung open and his father appeared with his strongest soldiers.


"Hurry, find the intruder!"

Knowing that his father senses the lingering magic, he couldn't help but frown. Just how could a boy at such an age have a strong amount of magic that could break into the barrier of their dukedom? 

He too has a huge amount of mana which was sealed by his father to prevent him from running rampant but that boy is the same as him, why does he look so normal? How could his small body contain that amount of mana without going crazy?

"Are you okay? Where did the intruder go?"

Kaizer pushes his father's face in annoyance: "Let go!"

"No! Tell Dad where did that intruder go? I need to catch him, how dare he enter the room of my son!"

Kaizer couldn't bear his father's doting character. He raised his feet and kick his father's stomach before stepping back.


The duke kneeled and laughed, "As expected of my son, you are strong enough to make your father feel pain. However, my father's heart is bleeding...how could my precious son refuse me? If only your mommy is here then I could be healed."

Kaizer face palms while Lancelotte on the side covers his mouth to prevent the sound of his laughter from being heard.

"Dad, are you underestimating me?"

Kaizer gritted his teeth, "I tag along with you in a war and kill people under your sight, how dare you look down on me!"

The duke choked.

"N-No, daddy is just wor---"

Kaizer gives his father another kick on the leg.


Lancelotte coughed when trying to prevent his laughter and the three top soldier of the De la Vallier, upon witnessing their duke dote and pamper their young master stood like a rock and look in a different direction, with separate thoughts.

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