[1] Goodbye

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"ARE YOU SURE you want to do this Hope?" My best friend Melissa questions as we walk through the airport, hand in hand

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"ARE YOU SURE you want to do this Hope?" My best friend Melissa questions as we walk through the airport, hand in hand.

"It's not like I've been given much of a choice Mel, I have to go. There's no other way." I say, sighing at the thought of not seeing my best friend everyday anymore.

"Of course you have a choice Hope." She stops walking and turns me around to face her. Grasping me by both my shoulders, she starts. "Say the word and we can both hop on a boat and set sail for China straight away. We will change our names to Tia and Ling Ling. We'll become waitresses, marry a smoking hot set of twins and start a new life." She says staring into my eyes with a burning intensity.

A deafening silence hangs in the air for a moment or two until I explode into an uncontrollable laughter at her serious expression. "Great. Good job, laugh at your only escape plan." She says seriously while rolling her eyes.

And this, ladies and gentlemen is my best friend in the whole world, Melissa Walsh! Raking it in at the magnificent height of 5'11, Melissa is a blonde haired beauty with striking blue eyes, the figure of a super model and a British accent that she has refused to let go of since she moved here NINE YEARS AGO!

She's been my platonic life partner for so long and right now, I have no idea how I'm going to deal with us being on opposite ends of the word. What am I going to do without her?

Suddenly feeling overcome with sadness, I croak out "I'm really going to miss you Mel." I say with teary eyes.

"I'm going to miss you too Hope... a lot. I'm going to miss you a lot." She chuckles under her breath with tears welling up in her eyes.

I sigh as we just stare at each other in silence while our eyes do the talking for us. 'Stop it! Melissa do not cry!'

'Of course I'm not going to cry, you are!'

'No I am not!'

'Yes you are!'

'Yes I am!' I brave one last time before I completely begin to cry. Not long after, Melissa joins in too and we both end up sobbing into each others arms. "We promised ourselves not to cry." I say with a small laugh, still not releasing myself from our hug.

"Well you started it! With your whole I'm going to miss you shit. What'd you expect? That I'd just watch my best friend leave with out shedding a tear?" She says between sobs while I just chuckle.

Melissa, very much unlike me, has a hard time showing her emotions, to well... anyone. She tends to bottle it all up until it gets really bad then she lets it all out. So her full on crying in a public airport is definitely something I'll possibly never see again.

"What am I going to do without you Mel?" I question wiping away my tears and finally releasing myself from what could possibly be our last hug in a very very long time. For so long, Melissa has been my safety blanket. My shoulder to cry on. My sister.

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