[8] Knife Wielding Stalker

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WHAT THE HELL is this shit?! I question myself inwardly as I let out a very annoyed, very frustrated groan

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WHAT THE HELL is this shit?! I question myself inwardly as I let out a very annoyed, very frustrated groan.

After I was somehow able to find my way to the administrations office, I was handed my locker location, combination and my class schedule. And according to said schedule, I'm supposed to have Math class for first period.

Yay! (Note the heavy sarcasm.)

First of all, I hate Math with the burning passion of twelve thousand suns. Secondly, who the hell, in their right mind, schedules Math for first period? To me that just sounds like straight up torture.

Thirdly... Wait a minute what's the third thing? Oh yeah, maybe it's the fact that I'm lost and I only have about five minutes till class starts!!!

This school is pretty much the size of Canada and I feel like some sorry tourist, misplaced with no sense of direction in this big ass building!

Dear Lord, please send me a miracle! I think to myself as I stand in the middle of the corridors trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. Though, it seems not to mean anything judging by the way everyone is still looking at me, although now slightly distracted by the tardy bell that went out a few moments ago.

None of them look willing to help. If anything, they look very irritated by my presence alone, and sorry Emmet, but I'd rather be late to class than subject myself to humiliation from these vultures!

Okay Hope think! You can fucking do this. You're a solid B plus student for crying out loud!

So Math is supposed to be in room D57. Oh wait! That's Physics and I have Math with Mr... Doberman- Dober-what?!

Does this guy realize he's named after a dog? Oh! I wonder if he looks like a Doberman! With their cute big ears and their waggy little tails- Hope no! Focus!

Okay so Mr. Dobermans class is supposed to be in room C71...

I start looking around, grateful that there are now only about a few people left in the corridors. I spot a number tag atop a door that I'm perched right next to, which reads 'Room C64' so I walk along and keep going down the halls.

Wait a minute, so I've literally been this close and yet I never even noticed? See people, this is exactly why I'm a B plus student.

"Okay C68... C69... C70...... C72" I trail along. "Wait what!" I exclaim. Where the hell is room C71! You can't just skip a whole room! Is this even possible? Please tell me I'm on some prank show!

I hold my head between my hands, feeling as helpless as ever. I am this close to reluctantly fishing my phone out of my backpack and calling Valerie for help...

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