[12] The Rock

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TAKING DEEP BREATHS, trying to compose myself, I dig my nails into my palms, balling my hands into fists as I attempt to control my anger and refrain from lashing out

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TAKING DEEP BREATHS, trying to compose myself, I dig my nails into my palms, balling my hands into fists as I attempt to control my anger and refrain from lashing out.

It's been a while since I've had to restrain myself this badly but what can I say, Marcello drives me crazy.

My heart finally begins to thump at a regular pace and my breathing is no longer ragged, so I roughly wipe away at my tear stricken cheeks, internally chastising myself for even crying around that jerk. He didn't deserve to see my tears.

Once my anger is under control and I am absolutely sure in not about to flip a chair, I turn around for the first time since I got here and I am met with two pairs of eyes. One familiar and the other not so much.

"Wesley?!" I exclaim as I watch the blonde haired fellow reload an AK47 with a skillful agility. Then suddenly, everything clicks.

"Since then, people have been too afraid to get close to him save for Wesley and Nate, his best friends"

"These tiles were bloody expensive and I'd simply just hate to see them covered in blood."

"I come here about three to four times a week."

Wesley is Marcello's best friend... and he's in the gang.

Just as it all dawns on me, the gang member himself turns away from his gun and we lock eyes. "Hope look, I can explain." He starts off coming closer while I take several retreating steps backwards, until my back hits the wall.

"Y-you... But you were so nice. You were so normal!" I shakily voice out. Is everyone around me now suddenly a gang member? Huh?

"Look Hope, you just need to calm down. I promise I'll explain everything later okay?"

"Wesley." I begin rather calmly. "Haven't you been told to NEVER TELL A WOMAN TO CALM DOWN WHEN SHES ANGRY?!"

"Shit." He mutters under his breath as he runs a hand through his shaggy blonde hair. Another string of gunshots go off, louder this time. A clear indicator that it's coming from this floor.

"Okay, I have to go now but I promise that I'll tell you every thing later. Just stay with Nate and please just... just try not to break anything." He says with pleading eyes as he grabs the reloaded gun from the table and makes to leave the room.

"Are you serious? Are you really leaving right now Wesley?" Despite only meeting tonight, I actually kind of liked Wesley. He was kind, sweet... normal. It might sound strange but he was definitely a refreshing change from the type of guys I'd ever met.

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