[14] Brother Dearest.

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I AM GOING to shoot him in the head. Point my gun straight ahead, aim right between his eyes, pull the trigger, and watch his lifeless body fall to the ground.

Sadistic, I know, but there's no other way to end this seeing as he's proven himself to be a ticking time bomb.

Now I must admit, I've never been the type of person to resort to violence so quickly. And especially after everything that happened with my father, it's something that I never enjoyed doing. But now, standing here, all I want is to kill Diego Belgrove.

It's been well over a year since I last saw that piece of shit and suddenly he just shows up and thinks he can fuck with my club in my territory, well I guess he'll just have to kill me first.

If it had been up to my father, undoubtedly, he'd be six feet under. But being the idiot I am, I stood up for Diego. I begged my father not to kill him. I begged him to let him go as long as he promised to never come back here and look where that got me.

Reloading my gun with no time to waste, I continue to march away from my office. There's nothing left now. No more gunshots, no more noise. Why? Cause the people are either dead or gone. 

I understand what Diego is trying to do. He's trying to get my attention by killing off innocent people and it's working. I'm falling right into his trap. But I am Marcello Trevon. And I never go down without a fight.

Marching down the corridor, I approach the back exit and make my way outside of the club. There he is. Flanked by two armed men, Diego notices me the exact moment I walk out of the club. He's been waiting for me.


"Brother! How kind of you to join us this evening." He says with a shit-eating grin. I want to break his jaw. "I almost thought you wouldn't be able to make it. I had already started telling Sam over here to pencil in a raincheck."

"What do you want Belgrove?" I question, plastering a look of absolute boredom on my face.

"Oh my dearest brother, I'm quite sure you know what I want by now." He says bitterly, igniting a smile from me.

I sigh. "It's been about a year diego. Are you still mad that our father picked me instead of you?" I take a step closer noticing as he balls his hands into fists, struggling to maintain his composure. His henchmen all aim their gun to my head, warning me not to step any closer. I step closer. "Are you still mad that he was able to see what a worthless-"

"Stop it!" He yells. 


"I said stop it!"

"Unstable piece of shit you really are?" As I take one final step, leaving nothing but a  hairsbreadth between us, I look into his eyes and my demeanor nearly falters. Before everything happened last year, Diego was the closest thing I had to a family. He was my brother. 

But eversince my father decided to screw us both in the ass, we've become enemies. And from the first time Diego held a gun to my head, I knew that this whole sibling rivalry thing, was not something to take lightly. "Read my lips belgrove. There is no way in hell, that an unworthy piece of shit like you, will ever take my gang away from me. At least not while im alive."

He smiles sadistically, as though he's contemplating my execution down to the last detail. "Now brother, although it excites me to imagine driving a knife through your heart and taking what was rightfully mine to begin with, I'm not here to discuss such trivial matters." I raise a brow. "Give me the girl." He says in all seriousness.

Amusement shines in my eyes. I knew all along that he'd eventually come for Amal. I wanted him to come in fact. You see, by luring him out, it gave Wesley the perfect opportunity to bug his base while he extended most of his men here.  

It was simple really, but of course, my narrow minde brother would have never thought of it. Diego is weak. He gets easily distracted. This is just one out of many reasons why my father never thought hed be worthy enough to take over. I agree. This life was never for him nor I.

"No, thank you." I say, causing him to get angry.

"Do you think you have much of a choice right now? You either give me the girl, or you're not getting out of here alive."

"Do your worst Belgrove." 

Almost in an instant, his henchmen fire their guns at me and I duck. Rolling forward, I whip out my gun and fire, snagging one of his men straight in the leg. I snatch his riffel and dodge a blow from the other one. I butt him in the head and once they're both down, I turn to Diego, hoping i'll be fast enough to disarm him. Instead, I am met with a pistol to my face. 

"Drop the riffel!" Diego Yells. I play along and toss it to the side.

"Belgrove, I thought we discussed this last time. You need to get better fighters." I tease. In all honesty, that's nearly impossible. Knowng that my gang, the Buios, basically runs this town, no body likes to get on our bad side. And by joining Diegos gang, that's already an automatic addition.

He shoots and I twist a second too late, allowing his bullet to graze my side and tear my flesh open. I wince.

His eyes are wild and I know he's about to go manic again, but this time, I don't let him. I bite back a groan as I advance on him and kick the gun out of his hand. He punches me square in the face, making my eyes water from the sheer force of it all, then he manages to land another heavy blow and I fall to the ground. He laughs.

"This? This is what herman chose over me? What a shame. You're a disgrace Cello! A pitiful mistake, that's what you are." I keep my head down, catching my breath as I continue to bleed out on the concrete. "WE HAD A PLAN CELLO!" he says, yanking my head up by my hair. "You were to be my second in command. We said that we would rule the Buios together! We would have been unstopable." I take in a sharp breath. 

Diego goes serious again. "Now i'll only repeat this once. Give me the girl, or I will burry a bullet in you"

"No." Using  the element of surprise to my advantage, I drop into a crouch and sweep his legs right out from under him. As he lays in shock, I take it as an opportunity and land him a deadly kick to the head. 

Once he's out cold, I slump against the wall and try to catch my breath. I gingerly lift my shirt and groan in frustration once I realize that that little "graze" was actually a lot deeper than I thought. If I dont get up soon, I am going to bleed out, then I am going to die. Fantastic.

My phone buzzes in my pocket. a text from nate.

nate: Hope got out but I tailed her home. She's safe.

Honestly, I'm not even surprised. she's just like her father.

Now this can go two ways. I can either tell nate to come get me and bleed to death while I wait, considering the fact that our hq is quite far from here. Or I can find someone whos willing to let one of the most dangerous men in the state into their homes at 2am in the morning, patch him up and let him crash for the night.

Looks like were going with plan B. 

Making sure the three men are still out cold, I gaze at the face of my half brother and a small pang of guilt pierces through my chest. You see, its not his fault. He was made this way, and I can't fault him for that. I just can't.

Tearing my eyes away, I stumble onto the street, and make my way to the Ross residence.


hi everyone! some of y'all probably hate me and i can't even blame you guys. anyways, i just checked my stats in what feels like forever, and i noticed that we finally reached THREE THOUSAND READS!!!!! thank you guys so much. i honestly love each and everyone of you and i wanted to write a chapter to show my appreciation. enjoy!



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2021 ⏰

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