[2] Mad House

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IT ALL HAPPENED went by in a blur

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IT ALL HAPPENED went by in a blur.

One moment I was loosing my shit in the bathroom, having a nervous breakdown about seeing Nancy again. And the next, I was standing in the middle of the LAX, trying to find someone holding up a sign that has my name on it. Weather be it her or her husband or her, I don't have the faintest idea of who's coming to pick me up.

It's so hard to wrap my head around how strange and overwhelming my simple and happy life drastically took a turn for the worse. Not so long ago... I was actually happy.

I mean, yeah, I didn't have a lot but at least I had a roof over my head, friends who I absolutely adored - well if we are being technical, I had a friend who I absolutely adored. But most importantly, I had my dad...

I am quickly snapped out of my thoughts as soon as I see her. And it's like everything goes in slow motion.

Waving me over as I walk towards her, she really hasn't aged a bit. She's sandwiched between two bodyguards with biceps the size of watermelons, but judging by the way people are staring at her the same way I stare at Harry Styles, I'm guessing that's because of her 'A-List status'.

I never paid attention whenever I saw her on magazines, social media or even on television; stumbling upon her pictures would usually be an accident and I'd barely spare a glance before finding something else to look at.

But now, standing here barely a few feet away, I really have the time to take in her beauty; chocolate colored skin that manages to still be bare from any wrinkles whatsoever. The curly dark locks I once knew like the back of my hand, now straightened to perfection, cascading down her back. Her full lips and those remarkable hazel eyes that I had taken after.

Great, now I feel like plucking my eyes out.

I never imagined seeing her again would ignite any emotion in me, but now I realize how extremely wrong I was. I feel kind of queasy actually. Dear Lord, please don't let me faint in an airport. I have no idea how or when I managed to walk over to her, but now as I stand before her, my heart can't help but beat a little faster. Finally breaking the silence, she says "Amal... I-"

I clear my throat cutting her off immediately "I actually go by Hope now." I say as my jaw goes rigid. I avert my gaze from hers and focus on a random couple passing by instead.

"Oh." She says woefully but none the less slaps on a smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes. "In that case... hi Hope!" My head snaps up instantly locking eyes with her. She flinches a bit at my sudden movement but I pay her no mind as a deep scowl settles onto my face.

Really?! Hi Hope! Is that all I can get after all these years? Not an apology, not an explanation, not even a good old fashion "How are you?" God, she makes me so fucking angry!

I scoff in return. "Hi Nancy." I say with a sickly sweet smile.

She looks taken aback for a few moments but recovers. "Okay, I guess I deserved that one. But come on Hope, I want to make this right." She says softly as she looks into my eyes. And for a fleeting moment, probably even half a second, I forget why I hate her.

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