Chapter 1

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Jade lived a comfortable life. She had no complaints. Living in District 1 was as good as it could get. It was a place full of wealth and luxury, especially as the Capitol's favourite, but she always felt like something was missing.

"Can you focus please?" Jaehyun said, snapping his fingers in front of her. Jung Jaehyun, a victor. During his Hunger Games, he ruthlessly killed eight of the other tributes with a golden sword, a gift from his sponsors. He showed no mercy despite only being the young age of fifteen. This made him known as the God of the Hunger Games. Jung Jaehyun also just happened to also be her older brother.

The motion snapped Jade back into reality. Her gripped tightened on the throwing knives she held in her left hand as she stared at the target in front of her before lightly tossing one of them into her right hand. She threw it with all her might, the knife landing dead centre. A smirk formed on her face as the ringing from the vibration of the target rang around them.

Although it was technically illegal, Jade had been training for the Hunger Games her entire life. All the children in District 1 did. In some districts, participating in the Hunger Games was the end but for them, it was the beginning. The fame and wealth that came with being a victor was something the people of District 1 longed for, and Jade was no different.

Jade had watched the Hunger Games every single year, eagerly standing in the centre of the district as the games played on the large screen. She had cheered for Jaehyun when he competed, getting hoisted up in the air when he was named the victor.

Ever since Jaehyun had returned, he lived the lavish life in Victor's Village, which might as well have been the Capitol. Occaisionally he would visit his family, but the only thing that he would speak to Jade about was her training for the Hunger Games.

Jade had desperately tried to become District 1's tribute, especially since her brother had became a victor, but ever since the volunteering had become out of hand, there was no say on the tributes selected, as the mentors and previous victors selected the top students from her training academy instead. She was already seventeen, meaning she had two more chances that could not be wasted.

Today, Jaehyun was training his younger sister outside of the regular times, a frequent occuring. Despite attending a special academy made to produce tributes for the Hunger Games, it seemed as though Jade could never get enough. Jaehyun often worked with her after her regular classes, ensuring that his sister was the top of her class.

"You put way too much effort into that." Jaehyun said with a tsk. Jade rolled her eyes before throwing another knife, with as little effort as possible. It was still a clean hit.

"You're annoying." Jade told him, making Jaehyun smirk.

"Would you prefer if I trained Jeno instead?" Jaehyun said. Jade immediately snapped her head towards her brother, who had his arms crossed across his chest as he leaned on the marble walls behind him. Jaehyun knew that he had hit a sensitive spot.

Lee Jeno, Jade's biggest competitor. He was tall and strong, well built like Jaehyun, and according to the girls of the district, just as good looking. He was also just as cocky, which is why Jade hated him. The two grew up together, as Jeno's parents were close friends with the Jung's.

Jeno's stupid eye smile made all the girls fall for him, believing he was sweet and innocent. His charisma was just as impressive, as the look of him focused, sweat dripping down his forehead made the hearts of girls around him melt. Jade didn't buy it though. She had seen him piss his pants when he was four when Jaehyun had pulled a prank on them, watched him fall on his face as he tripped down the stairs when he was ten, and worst of all, seen him play with the hearts of various girls they were foolish enough to fall for the male.

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