Chapter 7

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Jade jumped up and down, getting her blood pumping as she waited outside of the room, the long line of tributes behind her. As the female representative from District 1, she was going to be the second one in, the first one being Jeno.

"Stop jumping, it makes it seem like you're going to piss you pants." Jeno snarled at her. She gave him a smirk as she stopped moving. She could tell that he was nervous.

"I'm just trying to get my blood pumping. This is so exciting!" Jade cheered, earning looks from the other tributes. It was clear that everyone else was nervous too and she didn't blame them. Taeyong had told them that being first ones was actually an advantage, as the Gamemakers tend to get bored as they move onto the later districts.

The door suddenly opened, signalling that it was Jeno's turn. Jade gave him a light tap on the arm with a smile of encouragement. Jeno gave her a small smile back to her before entering.

Although the two of them hadn't been on good terms for their entire childhood, being in the Hunger Games together had brought them closer. Before they went to bed, they would occaisionally talk, discussing strategies with Jaehyun and Taeyong. It was also nice when they share some inside jokes about their district over lunch with the other tributes.

"Do you know what he's going to show?" Renjun asked her. Jade shrugged her shoulders.

"We didn't talk about it but probably something that emphasizes his strength and sword skills." Jade told him. Renjun slowly nodded, taking in her words. The doors soon opened, signalling that it was her turn.

As Jade glanced back one more time, Renjun mouthed the words good luck to her. She smiled before walking down the long hallway. The gates to the training area opened and Jeno walked out, a proud smirk on her face. She saw the trainers dragging the bodies and heads of the dummies away, a sword stuck into the chest of one of them. Her prediction was right.

The head gamemaker, Hendery, stood in the centre, waiting for her.

"You have fifteen minutes or until we dismiss you to show us any skill you would like. You may begin now." He announced. Jade smiled as she made her way to the the throwing knifes. She stared at the dummies in front of her. Ten knives, ten dummies, ten seconds. That's all she needed, but she had fifteen minutes.

Jade decided to throw on a show instead, throwing the knives up, completing a few acrobatic tricks before catching each of the knives in her hands at the handles. This was clearly already enough to impress the gamemakers as they leaned forward watching her. Ten seconds. Jade did a quick spin before releasing the ten knives, each of them landing in the chest of the dummies.

"That's enough." Hendery said. The gamemakers were all standing, staring at the dummies. The doors opened, revealing Renjun. Jade smirked as she made her way past him.

"Knock 'em dead." Jade said to him as they brushed shoulders.

"Oh trust me, I will." Renjun replied before they headed their separate ways.


"Quick, it's on!" Johnny called out. They quickly ran over to the couch area, watching as Kim Doyoung, the host for the Hunger Games appeared on the television.

"As you know, tributes are rated on scale from one to twelve after three days of careful evaluation." Doyoung announced just as Jade got seated beside Jeno.

"Good luck." Jeno said to her.

"Thanks, you too." Jade replied as Doyoung began the rankings.

"From District 1, Lee Jeno." Jeno's face appeared on the screen. "With the score of 10." Jaehyun gave Jeno a high five.

"Jung Jadelyn with a score of 10." Cheers errupted.

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