Chapter 11

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The summer quadrant, as Renjun had named, was hot and humid. Jade's hair had quickly dried, her windbreaker placed inside her backpack, but she was still sweating from the heat. The others must have felt the same way, as they were all breathing heavily.

"Let's take a break." Renjun suggested, the others quickly nodding in agreement. They sat around a tree, leaning backwards as Renjun stood.

Renjun seemed to be the only one who didn't seem to be suffering as much as everyone else. Although sweat was beading on his forehead, he would occasionally wipe it off with his shirt, revealing his toned stomach. Jade would turn red every time it happened, looking away as she noticed a glimmer in Renjun's eyes. By now, she was convinced that he was doing it on purpose.

Once they were all refreshed, they were continuing their way when Renjun suddenly stopped, pulling Jade back before she could take another step. He put a finger to his lips before motioning in front of them.

Jade analyzed the ground, noticing a weird pattern to the dirt and the plants. It was a trap.

The rest of the Careers quickly noticed as well, hands on their belts as they looked around them. No other tribute was in sight, they must have left the trap unattended, hoping to see to it later. A idea came to Jade's head.

"Pass me a sleeping bag and go up into the trees." Jade told them. They all eyed her with confusion. She looked at Renjun who tilted her his head before realizing what she had in mind.

"You heard her." Renjun said, passing her his sleeping bag before climbing up one of the trees. The rest eyed him before reluctantly climbing the other trees around them.

Once they were up, Jade threw the sleeping back to the centre of the trap. The trap was set off, the net pulling the sleeping bag up. What she didn't expect was the ringing noise of the bell that echoed through the forest. Whoever was out there would be returning soon and Jade was standing in the middle of the path.

"Jade, here!" Renjun hissed, and Jade quickly ran to the tree Renjun had climbed. She made it passed the lower branches with ease, but the middle ones were more difficult, taking up more time. She heard footsteps approaching and cursed as she realized she would be seen by whoever it was.

Renjun reached his hand out and Jade quickly grabbed it as he helped hoist her up to his branch, wrapping his arm around her waist as he steadied her. Jade sat in between his legs, her back resting on his chest.

"Smile, you're on national television." Renjun whispered into her ear, making her turn her head, shooting him a glare. Renjun tilted his head down though, signalling that their target had appeared.

"Dammit, it's just a sleeping bag!" The District 9 boy exclaimed as he approached the trap. The Careers observed closely, wondering if there were others with the boy. Jade and Renjun looked around at the Careers, each of them giving the two a thumbs up. The boy was alone.

The boy must have noticed that something was wrong as halfway through cutting the ropes of his trap, he froze. The Careers had to move quick now. Renjun slightly pushed Jade forward, taking out the crossbow from behind him. As Jade looked at the other Careers, she realized that none of them had a good shot at the boy, leaving Jade and Renjun with the job. The angle they were sitting in the trees, made it difficult for the throwing knives, leaving them no choice but to trust Renjun's crossbow.

The close proximity of the two of them made it more difficult than usual for Renjun to set up his weapon. He harshly bit his lower lip as he accidently hit the branch above them, making the leaves shake.

"Who's there?" The boy cried, looking up. Jade watched as Jeno jumped down from where he was, sword in hand. Jade heard a sigh of relief from behind her as Renjun continued to set up the crossbow.

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