Chapter 19

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The walk back to the cave was awkward. Extremely awkward. With the deaths of the two more tributes, each being district mates of two of their friends, it was clear that there was tension in the air.

When they finally made it back, Mark and Haechan went to separate caves while Chenle got straight to work, Jisung by his side. Jaemin and Jeno went to go tend the fire, cooking their meal for the night. He held the bag full of dinner rolls with him.

"Let's open these bags." Renjun suggested to Jade. Jade nodded her head, moving towards the pile of bags. She picked the one with her district number on it, a smaller one.

"Is there a mistake?" Jade asked as she peered inside. Sitting inside was a large coil of wire. The rest of them looked at her confused, so she pulled the wire out. Chenle's eyes instantly lit up.

"No, that's perfect!" Chenle said, taking the wire away from her. Jade just watched as he held the wire in his hands like a child holding his Christmas gift. Jade grabbed the second bag, with the large number "2" on it.

"This doesn't seem right either." Jade said, taking out the bow. Renjun chuckled before passing it to Chenle as well.

"I don't think any of it will make sense to you right now, but it will all make sense tonight." Renjun said, opening up the two other bags. Jisung's held a single golden arrow while Jaemin's held a black jacket and gloves. As Renjun passed the three items to Chenle, Chenle reached his hand out, feeling the material of the jacket and gloves.

"It's for electrical workers. Prevents them from being electrocuted." Chenle explained before unfolding it completely. Jade's eyes widened as she noticed the golden pin on the breast of the jacket.

"Isn't that..." Her voice trailed off. Renjun turned to look at the jacket.

"The mockingjay?" Renjun asked. Jade nodded.

"The mockingjay is a symbol of the rebellion." Mark said, appearing from the shadows. He moved forward taking the jacket in his hands.

"Chenle, you should explain the plan." Mark said, eyeing the younger boy. Chenle's mouth widened to a large grin as he looked into Jade's eyes.


Eventually, Haechan had returned to the main cave as well, just as Jaemin and Jeno had finished cooking their meal for the night. Jaemin had made a jam with the berries they had collected, spreading it on the dinner rolls for them. Jeno passed each of them a serving of meat, from both the fish and rabbits they had caught. Jade had to admit, it was a filling dinner, probably one of the best meals they have had since entering the arena.

Chenle has explained their plan for escaping the arena. The wire was used to connect the gold arrow to the tree. After the anthem played, Mark would shoot the arrow upwards towards the forcefield. According to Chenle, the electricity from the lighting would go into the wires and if Mark timed it all correctly, when the arrow hit the forcefield, it would break apart. The jacket and gloves were supposed to protect Mark from the electricity in the process.

To be quite honest, Jade wasn't exactly sure how the plan would work, but she didn't question it as Chenle seemed confident and the rest of the group seemed to trust him as well.

Once the group had finished up their meal, they had each gone to their own parts of the cave, preparing for the night. Jaemin, Jeno, and Jisung were sharpening their weapons while Haechan fiddled with his trident in the fire. Renjun had his crossbow strapped onto his back, while putting the various knives into his belt. Chenle was carefully attaching the wires to the Mark's new bow and arrow.

During this time, Jade was also preparing. She had made sure all her throwing knives were sharp and ready to go. Turns out Jaemin and Jisung also had sets of throwing knives and had given both of them to her for the night.

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