Chapter 4

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"In two weeks, twenty three of you will be dead. One of you will be alive. Who that is depends on how well you pay attention over the next four days, particularly to what I'm about to say." The tributes were gathered in the training area, surrounded by the head training who introduced himself earlier as Kun.

"First, no fighting the other tributes. You'll have plenty of time for that in the arena." A small chuckle escaped the tributes' lips as the words left Kun's mouth.

"There are four compulsory exercises, the rest will be individual training. My advice is; don't ignore the survival skills. Everybody wants to grab a sword but most of you will die from natural causes. Ten percent from infection, twenty percent from dehydration. Exposure can kill as easily as a knife." A deafening silence surrounded the room, as they were all aware that what Kun said was true, they had all seen it while watching the previous Hunger Games.

"Now without futher ado, let's begin."


Kun had directed the group to what was known as the gauntlets. It was probably one of the most difficult stations, with platforms of various levels that you had to jump to get to.

"One at a time, jump from platform to platform to finish in the fastest time possible. If you want a challenge, we can ask the trainers to swing padded clubs as well." Kun explained.

Piece of cake. Jade thought to herself heading to the front of the line behind Jeno. She noticed the other Careers following right behind her while the tributes from other districts took their steps backwards.

"Cowards." Jade heard Renjun mumble, making her giggle. Renjun had noticed the sound, the slightest smirk immediately appearing on his face as he crossed his arms. Jeno climbed up the steps, being the first one up.

Jade had noticed that the Renjun in training was very different from the playful boy from last night. He wore little to no emotions on his face, simply glaring at the other tributes. Jaehyun's words rang through her head. His biggest weapon? He has no heart.

"Give him the clubs." Renjun called out to Kun, earning a glare from Jeno.

"Give us all the clubs." Jade said, motioning to the six Careers. Renjun's eyebrows raised the slighest, a clear sign that she had impressed him. They watched as Kun sighed before nodding to the trainers.

"Fiesty today, aren't you." Renjun said as they watched Jeno complete the course. 9.7 seconds. He could have probably finished it in less time, but the clubs had certainly made it more difficult.

"You only live once." Jade responded with a wink before making her way up. She took a deep breath as she analyzed the course and trainers in front of her. The whistle sounded, signaling the start of her time. Jade jumped from level to level, avoiding the trainers that were throwing clubs at her. She gracefully landed on the floor in a crouched position, before standing back up, a smile on her face.

Jade glanced at the screen. 9.8 seconds. She was a milisecond behind Jeno.

"Not bad." Jeno said as she made her way to where he was waiting. She glimpsed at the gamemakers that were sitting in the area above them, watching their every move while enjoying the Capitol food being served.

"Don't doubt me Lee Jeno." Jade said as they watched Renjun. Jade was in awe. Renjun's movements were quick and well-calculated. She watched as he finished the course with ease, despite the high difficulty.

"I like him." Jeno said as Renjun made their way towards them. As they looked screen. 8.3 seconds. Renjun had beat them both. When Renjun arrived, Jeno stook his hand out.

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