Chapter 2

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Jade tapped her feet impatiently as she waiting for the reaping to begin. She stood near the front, lightly holding onto the ropes in front of her.

The reaping took place in the same place every year, town hall, the centre of the district. Jade loved the buildings of District 1. Everything was white and clean, evident that people of class lived there. The town hall was no exception, as the white marble building stood tall in front of her.

The children were stood in roped areas in the front while the rest of the community stood behind them. The banners were hung, the two clear bowls resting in the middle of the platform, with a large screen hanging in the middle of the building. Jade eyed the bowl on her right, knowing that all the cards only had one name in them anyways. It was all an act for the other districts to believe they were doing a proper reaping.

Jade had already watched the first four reapings of Districts 12, 8, 6, and 11. District 12's male tribute had volunteers for his younger brother, who got selected at the young age of 12. The District 11 male didn't even seem surprised when he was chosen. She assumed it was because of the tesserae rule the poorer districts had that Jaehyun had told her about. Jade wished District 1 had that too, as she would gladly put her name in as many times as she could. Instead, she stood there, wondering is the mentors had selected her. The District 11 boy also seemed to be the same size and strenghth as Jeno, even sporting the same blonde hair. Jade couldn't help but pity the glum members of those districts, the families crying as their tributes went up. They were clearly less trained and didn't stand a chance against the Career districts.

Jade did notice how the reapings in the poorer districts had cut short, the broadcasts ending as soon as the tributes were annouced. She quickly shook the thought away, focusing on her own reaping instead.

Jade wore the black, one-shoulder sequined crop top Jaehyun had chosen along with white jeans and black heeled boots. Her hair was slicked into a low ponytail. The accent was the jade necklace she wore, a little trinket of good luck. She raised a hand to the stone as she closed her eyes, making a wish.

Please let me be chosen, please.

Her thoughts were interrupted by someone clearing his throat beside her. She sighed before opening her eyes, turning to face the culprit. She noticed Jeno's eyes widen along with hers as she looked down at his outfit consisting of a black sleeveless top, white jeans, and black boots.

Great, we just had to match today.

"What a copycat." Jeno said. It had been less than thirty seconds and he was already on her nerves. Before Jade could reply, the trumpets began to play as the doors opened, revealing District 1's escort, Johnny Seo. He happily made his way to the microphone as an applause errupted. He smiled before tapping the microphone, calling for their attention.

"Welcome, welcome and happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favour!" Johnny yelled as the people cheered. Jade raised her hands with them, her voice cheer as loud as she could. Johnny raised a finger to his lips, silencing them once again.

"Now before we begin, we have a very special film, brought to you all the way from the Capitol." The video began to play on the big screen, the same one played every year. It talked about the reason behind the Hunger Games, something about death, war, courage, honour, and sacrafice.

"Can we get this over with and begin already?" Jade heard Jeno mumble and for once, she agreed with him.

Soon the video was over and the exciting part was about to begin. Johnny started speaking into the microphone once again.

"Now the time has come for us to select one courageous man and woman for the honour of representing District 1 in the Hunger Games." They began to cheer once again.

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