Chapter 10

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The Launch Room. Jade took a deep breath as Ten helped her get dressed for the arena. The arena wear this year consisted of black boots, tight black pants, an olive green shirt, and black pullover windbreaker. Ten had tied her hair back into a braided ponytail, her brown waves.

"I can't figure it out." Jade told him as she looked at herself in the mirror, trying to think about what the arena could possibly be from her outfit, but it was difficult. Ten let out a small chuckle as he watched her eyebrows furrow, analyzing each and every part of what she wore. It seemed as though her outfit was selected for all types of environments, being warm but with the ability to remove parts if hot, while also being waterproof.

"Last but not least, your token." Ten said, holding an item in his hand. Jade was expecting to see her jade necklace but instead, was met with a gold bangle.

"Is there a mistake?" Jade asked but Ten shook his head.

"Jaehyun requested this." Ten told her. Jade reluctantly stuck out her hand for him as he put the bracelet around her wrist, recalling her conversation with her brother that morning.


"When you get sent up to the arena, don't step off right away. You'll get blown up by the landmines and that's the dumbest way to die." Jade nodded her head, already knowing that fact.

"You'll have sixty seconds before the gong sound. Use that time wisely. Find the weapon you need in the Cornucopia and find the closest weapon that you can use in the bloodbath." Jaehyun told her.

"Kill the weak." Jade muttered. Jaehyun nodded, acknowledging her statement.

"If you have time, observe the arena, but don't stress too much about it. Most tributes already know that the Careers will be heading straight to the Cornucopia, so once the bloodbath is over, you'll have plenty of time to make your next move." Jaehyun continued.

"Is there anything else?" Jade asked, eyeing the clock. Any moment now, the Capitol workers would take her away.

"I gave Ten your token so it's in good hands. He also has instructions on it so listen to him. Got it?" Jaehyun asked. Jade nodded her head before standing up from her bed. She could hear the footsteps outside, probably going to Jeno's room first. Jaehyun also stood, bringing his sister in for a hug.

"Just remember to fight for you life, okay? When you make it out, I'll be waiting for you. I love you." The last three words made Jade tear up. Never in her life had she ever heard Jaehyun say those words. Not when she was young, not to her parents, not even when he left for his own games. But as they stood there in their sibling embrace, he had said those words.

The door suddenly burst open, revealing the Capitol workers that would take her away.

"I love you too." Jade whispered, just loud enough for him to hear before breaking the hug. She gave Jaehyun a nod before making her way towards the doors, following the workers out of their apartment.


"Jaehyun said you had instructions." Jade said as Ten took a step back. He had finished attaching the tight bracelet, fitting tightly around her wrist, not tight enough to break her circulation but enough so it wouldn't move.

"Yes he did. He had three rules. One, keep it hidden at all times under your sleeve or attach it onto your bicep when your jacket is off. Two, only show it when you're in absolute danger. Three, never take it off." Three simple rules. Jade didn't understand why there were so many but time was ticking. She had to enter the tube soon.

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