Chapter 17

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Jade woke up to the ringing sound of metal on metal. She rubbed her eyes before realizing that there was something around her waist. Or rather someone as she looked down and saw Renjun's arms around her.

"Geez, why can't they wake us up in a way that doesn't involve thrashing two water bottles together." Renjun groaned before releasing his hold on her. He gave Jade a small smile as she looked back at him.

"Good morning." Renjun said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Suddenly, last night's events came rushing back to her head.


"I don't know if it's love but I like you. I like you a lot."

Jade reached her hand out, lifting Renjun's chin so that he was looking straight into her eyes.

"I... I like you too." Jade softly said. Jade watched as Renjun began to smirk and before she could say anything, Renjun had pulled her into his lap, aggressively putting his lips on hers as they passionately kissed each other.

Jade gasped as Renjun pulled the elastic out of her hair, letting her brown waves fall down her back. Renjun took this opportunity to put his tongue into her mouth, wildly exploring as he deepened their kiss. Jade couldn't help but let herself melt into his arms before they broke apart, panting.

"You don't know how much I've been longing for that since we entered this arena." Renjun said as he stared into her eyes, a proud grin on his face. Jade looled away, embarrassed. She quickly turned her attention to his arm, removing the hair elastic from his wrist.

"You ruined my hair." Jade said as she tried to tie her hair back up. Renjun slapped her hand away, stopping her.

"You look good with your hair down." Renjun said, earning a glare from Jade.

"It won't look so good when I'm trying to kill someone and my hair gets in my face." Jade replied. Renjun tossed his head back, laughing before starting at her again.

"Fine, but keep it down for tonight. You can tie it up in the morning." Renjun said to her before lying down on the edge of the sleeping bag. He patted the small space beside him, signalling that he wanted her to lie beside him.

"Fine." Jade said, before following his silent orders. Renjun pulled her body close so that her back was pressed into his chest.

"Goodnight my beloved jewel." Renjun whispered into her ear.

Even though Jade's back was to him, she knew Renjun wore a proud smirk on his face as he closed his eyes to sleep.


Jade followed Renjun as they entered the main cave, Jaemin already cooking up their breakfast. The other boys were sitting around in a circle. She sat down beside Renjun on the cave floor.

"The plan for today is to restock our supplies. We need firewood and I think a lot of us are sick of only eating meat and potatoes so we should visit the spring quadrant as well." Mark said. It seemed that he was the unspoken leader of the group. Even Renjun was quietly listening to his orders.

"Should we split up then?" Haechan asked. Mark hesistated before answering.

"In order to get everything, we probably should. However, I'm a little worried about Jeno." Mark admitted before looking at the male who was sitting between Renjun and Jisung.

"He's fine, his wound is fully healed." Jaemin answered from the fire, surprising Jade. It was the first time she heard his voice say a full sentence. She could tell Renjun was holding in a laugh as the corners of his lips twitched upwards. He had probably noticed how surprised she was.

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