Chapter 9

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"You both did well tonight, rest up, big day tomorrow." Taeyong said. Big day was and understatement. Tomorrow was the first day of the Hunger Games. After that, they might not ever see each other again.

Jade was sitting on her bed when she heard a knock on her door.

"Who is it?" She asked. The door cracked open, Jaehyun peeking in. Great. Jade thought. The last thing she wanted was her brother shoving in her face how good he was during his Hunger Games.

"Can I come in?" Jaehyun asked. Jade noticed that his eyes were soft and gentle in comparison to his usual passion. She softly patted the empty space on the bedsheet beside her.

"Sure." Jaehyun took a seat, lacing his hands in his lap. He looked down at his hands and for once, Jaehyun looked... vulnerable. He looked upset, sad, very different from his usual self. Even his bangs covered his eyes. Jade leaned forward, trying to look up at her brother.

"Is something wrong?" Jade asked him. Jaehyun shook his head, running his fingers through his hair. He turned himself so he could face her before taking her hand.

"Listen Jade, I just wanted to apologize for being such a crappy brother." Jaehyun started. Jade knew this talk was going to be different from what Jaehyun normally did.

"When I completed my Hunger Games, it was terrible. Going into the arena, killing all those innocent, children. I did it for my own sake, so I could survive. You don't know because I stay in my own house but every night, I can still hear their cries, begging me to spare their lives before I ended it. It's absolutely miserable and a life I did not want you to have." Jade noticed Jaehyun's eyes begin to water.

"But I knew I couldn't stop you, so instead, I prepared you. I was harsh with your training so that you could fight them all off, pick them apart one by one on your own. So that you would be strong and so you could come out as the victor." A small tear began to roll down his cheek as Jaehyun sniffled, quickly wiping it away. Jade realized now, that her brother's arrogance was just used to cover up his weakness like how Renjun hid his emotions. It was all to make him look strong and powerful. But deep down, Jaehyun truly did care and love his sister.

"I would be lying if I told you I wasn't worried about you. When I heard your name get called out, I felt like someone had knocked the wind out of my chest. Jeno's a nice guy but..." Jaehyun's voice trailed off. Jade knew what he was going to stay. Jeno's a big competitor in a game with only one winner. "When he was called out, Taeyong and I were worried for both of you." Jaehyun took a deep breath, calming himself down. Jade give his hand a quick squeeze.

"It's okay, I forgive you." Jade said to him. A small smile appeared on his face before his eyes turned serious again.

"It'll be a different playing field out there. Tributes hide a lot of secrets until the games begin. You'll learn that some of them might be a lot stronger or weaker than you expected. Go with your gut. If something feels wrong, then something probably is wrong. No matter how much time we spend together, nothing will prepare you for the games." Jaehyun told her. Jade nodded her head, taking in his words.

"I'll be up before you get taken away tomorrow, so we'll say our final goodbyes in morning." Jaehyun said, patting her on the back.

"Goodnight then?" Jade said, looking at Jaehyun as he stood up. Jaehyun nodded before making his way to the door.

"Goodnight Jade. Rest up, okay?" Jaehyun said, giving her a small smile of encouragement before closing the door behind him.


Jade tossed and turned in her bed before looking at the clock that sat on the beside table. It was earlier than the usual time she would meet Renjun but she was having a difficult time waiting. She sighed before getting out of her bed.

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