Chapter 3

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As Jade got off her chariot with Jeno to greet Jaehyun, Taeyong, Johnny, and Ten, she felt eyes staring through the back of her head. She turned to meet the same black-haired boy's eyes. Jaehyun noticed the exchange and quickly spoke, making Jade break eye contact.

"District 2, also a Career district. Not a bad idea." Jaehyun said. Jade watched as Jeno rolled his eyes.

"Great, now I have to third wheel." Jeno grumbled but Taeyong shook his head.

"Jaehyun's got a point Jeno. Career pack is a must." Taeyong told them. Johnny wrapped their arms around the two.

"Why don't we talk about this somewhere else." Johnny said as he began to guide then out. Jade gave the boy one last glance before they made they made their way out.


As tributes of District 1, they stayed on the first floor, which Jade honestly didn't mind. They had a huge feast that night, eating the delicious Capitol food which was only slightly better than what she was used to.

Once they had finished and changed back into their casual clothes, Jaehyun and Taeyong sat them down in the couches to brief them.

"You'll be training tomorrow with the other tributes. You're both already well trained in combat so I'd say stick to survival skills. The last thing you want to do is die of something stupid." Jaehyun told them. Jade and Jeno nodded, noticing the seriousness in Jaehyun's voice.

"First, let's familiarize ourselves with the other tributes." Taeyong said, allowing the projector to project the various tributes during their reaping on the screen.

"We spoke to some of the other mentors when you were all putting on a big show, gathering information. We can also tell you a bit of information from what we observed." Jaehyun said.

"First up is District 2, a Career district. Always befriend them and make them your allies." Taeyong said. Jade gulped as she looked at the screen. There the boy was, no emotion on his face as he was announced as the male tribute. Even when the crowds were cheering for him, he showed nothing on his face.

"Until you're the only ones remaining. Then you kill them." Jeno added.

"Precisely." Jaehyun said, proud of Jeno's words but Taeyong shook his head.

"What is District 2 known for?" Taeyong asked them.

"They're ruthless." Jade said, her voice soft. Taeyong nodded.

"They kill for the thrill and you two should learn to as well." Taeyong advised them.

"Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer." Jade said, a smirk appearing in her face.

"Precisely." Jaehyun said before turning to the screen.

"The girl is Kang Bora. She's fast and aggressive but apparently she's also careless. Watch her when you train and notice any other flaws she might have." Jaehyun told them.

"The boy is Huang Renjun." Renjun. God, even his name was beautiful.

"That's Jade's boy toy." Jeno said, earning a smack.

"Shut up." Jade hissed as Taeyong continued.

"Well he's also the District 2's pride. There's already been bets made on him winning even though training hasn't even started." Taeyong told him.

"Their mentors wouldn't stop talking about him. His biggest weapon? He has no heart." Jaehyun said, rubbing his forehead as he recalled the conversation he had.

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