Chapter 12

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Soon the moon was at it's peak and the national anthem began to play. The Careers raised their heads, looking at the sky. The fallen tributes began to appear. Jade counted them, most of them killed by the Careers. The one that wasn't was the girl from District 10. Only six of them dead, meaning eighteen of them remained.

Too many. Jade thought to herself. In comprison to the previous games, the Careers were slacking.

"Don't beat yourself up, we'll resume hunting in morning." Renjun told them, getting up to wash his hands. "Let's take turns guarding tonight."

Haechan was still slightly damp, so he offered to take the first shift. Since Jeno was wounded, he wouldn't take a shift tonight, Renjun offering to take two instead. After Haechan was Hyewon, then Bora, then Jade, giving Renjun the last few hours. After they had all cleaned up, they slowly fell asleep one by one.


Jade felt an arm shaking her, opening her eyes to see Bora.

"It's your turn." Bora said before standing up.

"Thanks." Jade replied before rubbing her eyes, stretching her hands in front of her. Bora made her way to her sleeping bag, soon falling sound asleep. She sat up from her sleeping bag.

The moon was shining bright, the night was peaceful. She looked around the arena, wondering where the other tributes could possibly be hiding. The mountain range was tempting. It was cold and isolated, a good hiding place, but also deadly. Without the right tools, it would be easy to freeze to death. Perhaps the Careers would head there after fully searching the other three quadrants.

After what felt like an eternity, Jade peeked at the fire that was slowly dying. Everyone else was fast asleep, so she decided to stand up, heading towards the stock of wood they had near Renjun. As she picked a piece up, another one fell, making a small noise. Jade winced as she watched Renjun's eyes flutter open, and seconds later, he had her pinned to the ground, holding a knife to her throat.

Renjun's eyes widened as he realized who it was, quickly hopping off her as he sat back onto his sleeping bag. Jade couldn't help but chuckle as she placed the piece of wood into the fire.

"Didn't know you slept with a knife." Jade said, taking a seat by Renjun's side. Renjun rolled his eyes.

"You should be glad I didn't kill you." Renjun said, returning the knife to his belt, bringing his knees to his chest.

"Go back to sleep, you still have a bit of time." Jade said. Renjun shook his head.

"I'm wide awake now, thanks to you." Renjun said, the corners of his lips twitching upwards ever so slightly.  Jade nodded her head, allowing him to stay up with her.

The two sat there in silence, staring at the night sky as the fire burned in front of them.

"Aren't the stars nice?" Jade asked him. Renjun shrugged his shoulders.

"I mean they're not real. We're in the arena, Jade. Everything is created by the gamemakers." Renjun stated. Jade gave him a glare before looking back at the sky.

"Your words are depressing." Jade pointed out.

"My words are real." Renjun replied with a hint of sass. Jade rolled her eyes.

"Whatever you say Renjun." Jade said before the two went back to their silence. Uncontrollably, Jade let out a yawn. She tried to cover it with her mouth but Renjun had already saw it.

"Go sleep." Renjun told her. Jade shook her head.

"It's not your turn yet, the moon is still high." Jade argued.

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