Chapter 1 - The Flash Reborn

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Cisco's P.O.V.

Barry had gone into the Speed Force, the city's sky had gone back to normal. Emergency teams and Wally and I had helped clean up the last of the mess caused by the earthquakes, Caitlin and Sarah had snuck away from STAR Labs in the confusion.

I can't find her Cisco." Wally said through the coms.

I went through a breach which lead me to the middle of a street.

Well, I gotta work out more. Yeah, you do but she's really stepped up her game." I panted

Then let's turn up ours. I don't have eyes on her. Iris?" Joe asked Iris as she was back at S.T.A.R. Labs

Copy, I'm on it. Looking.... Got her." Iris said

And?" I asked her through my coms

Duck! " Iris said

I don't see no duck." Wally said before Shawna Beaz punch Wally and I to the ground.

Peekaboo. Your only warning, boys, Stay back." She said before teleporting somewhere else

She meant the other duck" Wally said realizing Iris's words.

Yeah, I cannot believe you actually thought she meant a duck duck. " I told Wally as we got back up onto our feet.

Where is she, Iris?" Joe asked his daughter.

She's headed for the Keystone Bridge." Iris informed us. " If she gets out of the city, we're gonna lose her for good. You guys have to stop her now."

Oh, I'ma catch her this time." Wally said before he racing off to Shawna

I hate teleporters." I sighed

I know you do, so come on." Wally said before we tried to follow Wally.

Cisco, she's gonna jump to the Broom Tower. When he lands, stop her." Iris informed Wally and I.

On it." I say.

Dad, meet them at the bottom." Iris told Joe

Copy." Joe said

Wally...." Iris trailed off

I know what to do." Wally replied to his sister.

I made a breach, we walked through it making us land on the Broom Tower. And I saw Wally trying to push Shawna towards us. I used my powers to make the rooftop in case when she lands on it she'll slip.

Come on." I said before Shawna appeared and I sued my power to stop her. " Peekaboo-ya!"

I created a breach and I watched Wally running behind Shawna and pushed her into the breach and  I following.

When we landed Wally, Shawna and all tumbled across the road. Wally and I saw Shawna aiming two guns at us

Dead bang, fellas." Shawna said before she dropped to the ground as electricity went through her body. I looked and saw Joe with the boot.

Look at that. We got her." I said


I'm so proud of us. That was a good hustle out there, Team Vibe." I said and Wally, Joe and I walked out of the elevator and entered S.T.A.R. Labs

It's Team Kid Flash, but thank you. " Wally told me

Guys, really?" Iris asked us

Okay, not your finest hour, gentlemen." Iris said as we all walked toward the cortex together

What are you looking at me for?" Joe asked as he looking at Iris. " I was the one to put her down."

I helped him out with the assist. Classic manoeuvre." I told Iris

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