Chapter 20 - Therefore She Is

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Sarah's P.O.V.

Caitlin and I were currently in the Speed Lab with the others as we were pads on our chest to test out if we could get Killer Frost and Killer Ice out of DNA.

Thing we're gonna do to get Killer Frost and Killer Ice to appear, get that massive spike in your adrenaline production that we need, is Ramon is gonna use his vibes to shake you two up on the cellular level, and let's see if can't get your old friends Killer Frost and Ice to come out to play." Harry explained to Caitlin and I.

Are you sure this is gonna work?" Iris asked Harry

Well, I mean, like any hypothesis, you have to test it to get an answer. It's what we've all done since the fourth grade, known as the...."

Scientific method?" Barry asked

Right you are, Allen!" Harry told Barry, before Cisco ran into the Speed Lab. " Of course. Ah, here he is. Okay, good. So get in position."

Cisco walked up to Caitlin and I. " Don't worry, I lowered the amps on this thing."

Harry walked up to the computer. " Ramon, you set?"

Cisco stood in front of the two of us. " Yeah."

Snow, Snow-Allen, you ready?" Harry asked us

We're ready." I answered

Three, two, one, and..."

Cisco used his vibe blast on the two of us, but nothing happened.

I sighed. " Nothing."

All right. Ramon, more power. Three, two, one..." Harry says as Cisco used his vibe blast on the two of us again, but nothing happened. " You know what, Ramon? Full power."

Barry quickly turned to Harry. " Wait, hold on, hold on. What do you mean, full power? We don't want to blast Caitlin and Sara across the speed lab."

Well, you need to get a spike in her adrenaline." Harry stated

Harry, they could get injured and plus Sara is pregnant." Iris pointed out

God, this is... Look, this is gonna work, okay? Nothing has changed." Harry says as he walked down to Caitlin and I. " Snow and Snow-Allen's DNA tests, they confirm it. Their meta-DNA was not spliced by Null's powers."

You mean Melting Point's powers." Caitlin corrected him.

Right, that's what I said. Melting Point's powers." Harry says

No, you didn't." I told Harry

I did say that." Harry defended himself.

But, Harry, there's no dark matter in their system anyway. We're just trying to spike their heart rate." Barry explained to Harry

Harry chuckles lightly. " What do you mean, there's no dark matter?"

Harry, you knew that. We all did." Iris says

We did?" Harry questioned, causing everyone to be confused. " We did. No, I know. I just, I think I just, you know, forget. I forgot."

Barry raised his brows. " You forgot?"

Harry, are you okay?" I asked him

Harry sighed and looked at the ground. " No. He's not." Cisco answered

We were all up in the Cortex and looked at the scan of Harry's brain.

Harry, you're..."

Losing my intelligence?" Harry asked all of us. " Yes. The injection of dark matter from the Thinking Cap apparently overwhelmed my synapses. Instead of making my brain faster, it's... slowing it down."

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